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Problēma Ar Ptb

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izstaigāju googli,viņu forumu bet atbildi neatradu! varbūt kāds zin kāpēc nepārmet spēlētājus?

šeit ir mans konfigs priekš 20/21 spēlētājiem!

izskatīju daudzas reizes bet problēmu neatradu..

// PTB Configuration
// File location: addons/amxmodx/configs/ptb.cfg
// Settings are loaded on every mapchange
// from this cfg file
// For details on the settings check out the documentation
// in the readme.txt file
echo [PTB] Ptb.cfg is being executed

// These two cvars must be set to 0 so PTB can work properly.
mp_autoteambalance 0
mp_limitteams 0

// Control of chatmessages which can be 0 for off 1 on if set to 2 then Transfers will show in hud but not chat.
// If set to 3 it will show all messages in chat and transfers as hudtext
ptb_saychat 1
// Transfertype can only be 1, 2 or 3 and 3 is the most agressive transfer 
// 1 is PTBs original transfertype
ptb_transfer_type 1

// Set to 0 if admins with immunity also should be switched
ptb_switch_immunity 0

// Set to 0 if admins with immunity cant choose the team they wants
ptb_limitjoin_immunity    0

// Here you set which flag an admin must have to be immune against transfers (Default o ADMIN_LEVEL_C)
ptb_immunity_level "a"

// Here you set which flag an admin must have to be able to change PTB settings (Default l ADMIN_RCON)
ptb_access_level "l"

// If you want to see Transfers made in the HLSW chat have this set to 1
ptb_show_in_hlsw 0

// team selection control
amx_ptb limitjoin    on     // set limits on team joining
amx_ptb limitafter   0        // number of rounds after which teams limiting begins
amx_ptb limitmin     0        // number of minimum players on map for team limiting
amx_ptb maxsize      11        // maximum team size per team
amx_ptb maxdiff      2        // maximum team size difference
amx_ptb autorounds   3        // number of first rounds into match, which allow autojoin only
amx_ptb wtjauto      1        // wtj tries needed to become autojoined
amx_ptb wtjkick      1        // wtj tries needed to become kicked
amx_ptb kick         off    // kick for wtj counts
amx_ptb savewtj      off     // save wtjs to wtj.log

// team balancing actions
amx_ptb switch       on        // switch/transfer players
amx_ptb switchafter  1        // number of rounds after which switching begins
amx_ptb switchmin    5        // number of minimum players on map for switching
amx_ptb switchfreq   1        // relative next possible switch round
amx_ptb playerfreq   7        // relative next possible switch round for player
amx_ptb forceswitch  0        // number of tries after which PTB switches alive, if neccessary
amx_ptb deadonly     on     // switch dead only

// messages (good to have on when debugging if you use statsx dont have them on)
amx_ptb tellwtj      off     // tell about wtj tries
amx_ptb announce     on        // announce team status at beginning of round
amx_ptb sayok        on    // announce team status, if teams are alright
amx_ptb typesay      off    // use HUD messages

// team strength limits
amx_ptb maxstreak    3        // max. allowed team win streak
amx_ptb maxscore     2        // max. allowed team score difference
amx_ptb minrating    1.5    // minimum critical team rating
amx_ptb maxrating    2.0    // maximum critical team rating
amx_ptb superrating  3.0    // super critical team rating
amx_ptb maxincidents 50        // maximum kills + deaths before the score is divided by PTB_SCALEDOWN
amx_ptb scaledown    2        // divisor for kills and deaths, when PTB_MAXINCIDENTS is reached

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// These two cvars must be set to 0 so PTB can work properly.
mp_autoteambalance 0
mp_limitteams 0

nēesmu īsts anglis bet tur man liekas rakstīts lai PTB varētu strādāt korekti tad jābūt uzliktam 0?

kad mēģināju uz abiem: 1 , tad tāpat nestrādāja vai man tikai tā liekas?

Edit; ā pag

ngEAr: es runaju par cvariem prieksh balances , switch un kadi tur vel 2 ir. Globalus nevajag.

turismo; vari vismaz pateikt kura no šiem varētu būt nepareizs?

// team balancing actions
amx_ptb switch       on        // switch/transfer players
amx_ptb switchafter  1        // number of rounds after which switching begins
amx_ptb switchmin    5        // number of minimum players on map for switching
amx_ptb switchfreq   1        // relative next possible switch round
amx_ptb playerfreq   7        // relative next possible switch round for player
amx_ptb forceswitch  0        // number of tries after which PTB switches alive, if neccessary
amx_ptb deadonly     on     // switch dead only

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// File location: addons/amxmodx/configs/ptb.cfg


// Settings are loaded on every mapchange

// from this cfg file


// For details on the settings check out the documentation

// in the readme.txt file

echo [PTB] Ptb.cfg is being executed

// Transfertype can only be 1, 2 or 3 and 3 is the most agressive transfer

// 1 is PTBs original transfertype

ptb_transfer_type 1 , pamegini ar 2 vai 3. Ar 3 vinsh parmet alive uzreiz.

amx_ptb limitafter 0 // number of rounds after which teams limiting begins

Pec butibas "0" nozime nav raundu , uzliec pec cik raundiem tu gribi lai sakas limits ( kaut vai 1 ).

amx_ptb limitmin 0 // number of minimum players on map for team limiting

Tas pats ka ar iepriekshejo , tur ir vajadzigs cipars. Man stav 2.

amx_forceswitch 0

Ari jauliek cipars , uzliec piemeram 2-3. Kad vinsh gribes kadu parmest , attiecigi chata bus msg ar tekstu "cant" vai ko vinsh tur rakstija. Pec 2-3 raundiem vinsh raunda beigas parmetis , ja komanda nav vairak speletajie par 10.

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ok, paldies mēģināšu, vēlāk editošu postu vai strādās vai nē.

Edit; Nejiet :(

Nomainīju šīs komandas, restartēju serveri bet tāpat, viņš pat čatā neko nerāda :blink:

kautgan plugins ir iemests, erroru nav un arī iekš modules.ini ir aktivizēts cstrike un arī iekš server.cfg nav šo

mp_autoteambalance 0
mp_limitteams 0

un iekš plugins.ini arī ir ierakstīts "ptb.amxx"

šitos iekš ptb.cfg nomainīju kā teici

ptb_transfer_type 2

amx_ptb limitafter 1

amx_ptb limitmin 5

amx_forceswitch 2

spēlētāji bija vairāk par 10+

rezultāts bija: 7:1 bet nevienu nepārmeta :zhaav:

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war3 moda dēļ diezvai ir vaina jo agrāk viss strādāja, tagad kad mēģināju uzlikt tad vairāk nestrādā. :)

pamēģināšu uz localhost'a notestēt.

Edit: Uz localhost'a visi plugini pēc defiem bet tāpat nepārsviež un neko čatā nerāda, tākā war3 nav vainīgs :).

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pamēģināšu uz localhost'a notestēt.

Edit: Uz localhost'a visi plugini pēc defiem bet tāpat nepārsviež un neko čatā nerāda, tākā war3 nav vainīgs :).

Tad radi amx_plugins , jo man joprojam viss strada.

A kur tev ptb.cfg atrodas , jo medz ka cheli uztaisa vel vienu dir un tur iemet.

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itkā jā

pamēģināšu uz windowza pa jaunam novilkt serveri un uzsviest amxmodx.

ja līdzēs tad linuxam moduļus jaunus būs jāliek

Edit; itkā uz windas viss svaigs un viss korekti strādā, tākā vainu drīz atradīšu kur bija, bet vari pateikt kāpēc met čatā tagad, rezultāts: 6:1 un nevienu nepārmet un spēlētāji: 20/21 :blink:

katru raundu sākumā šito rāda

PTB: Round ended, checking teams.
PTB: Can't transfer player, no valid target in winning team.
PTB: The TERRORIST team could use some support.

Edit2; ai nē viss iet uz windas tgd! tik kur vaina varēja būt jo " modules " mapē viss ok.

Edit3; ngEAr, pamēģini iekš server.cfg ierakstīt: mp_roundtime 1.9, tad tev PTB ņifiga nejies.

un var slēgt :)

ps. paldies par palīdzību :whistling:

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