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Zombie Moduli

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Sveiki, ir vajadzīgi visi zombie moduli priekš šī plugina - http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=96978

Izskatīju caur search meklējot - advanced zombie modules un google, neko neatradu.

Varbūt kāds var palīdzēt?

P.S. Es lieku citus modules, man serveris sāk mest errorus.

1 piemērs, kā liku -

#include <amxmodx>
#include <fun>
#include <fakemeta>
#include <hamsandwich>
#include <zombieplague>
#include <engine>

#define PLUGIN "[ZP] Class - Ghost"
#define VERSION "1.3"
#define AUTHOR "HoRRoR, Fry!"

// Zombie Attributes
new g_zclass_ghost
new const zclass_name[] = "Ghost" // name
new const zclass_info[] = "- Can be invisible" // description
new const zclass_model[] = "zombie_source" // model
new const zclass_clawmodel[] = "v_knife_zombie.mdl" // claw model
const zclass_health = 1600 // health
const zclass_speed = 265 // speed
const Float:zclass_gravity = 0.75 // gravity
const Float:zclass_knockback = 1.5// knockback

new i_stealth_time_hud[33]
new g_cooldown[33]
new g_infections[33]
new Float:g_stealth_time[33]
new i_cooldown_time[33]
new g_maxplayers

// --- config ------------------------ //
new Float:g_stealth_time_standart = 5.0 //first stealth time
new Float:g_stealth_cooldown_standart = 45.0 //cooldown time
new const sound_ghost_stealth[] = "zombie_plague/spells/zombie_ghost/stealth.wav" //stealth sound
new const sound_ghost_stealth_end[] = "zombie_plague/spells/zombie_ghost/end_stealth.wav" //end stealth sound
// ----------------------------------- //

public plugin_init()
    register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR)
    register_clcmd("ability1", "use_ability_one")
    register_concmd("ability1", "use_ability_one")
    register_forward(FM_PlayerPreThink, "fw_PlayerPreThink")
    RegisterHam(Ham_TakeDamage, "player", "fw_TakeDamage")
    register_logevent("roundStart", 2, "1=Round_Start")
    g_maxplayers = get_maxplayers()

public plugin_precache()
    g_zclass_ghost = zp_register_zombie_class(zclass_name, zclass_info, zclass_model, zclass_clawmodel, zclass_health, zclass_speed, zclass_gravity, zclass_knockback)

public roundStart()
    for (new i = 1; i <= g_maxplayers; i++)
        i_cooldown_time[i] = floatround(g_stealth_cooldown_standart)
        g_cooldown[i] = 0

public use_ability_one(id)
    if(is_valid_ent(id) && is_user_alive(id) && zp_get_user_zombie(id) && !zp_get_user_nemesis(id) && zp_get_user_zombie_class(id) == g_zclass_ghost)
        if(g_cooldown[id] == 0)
            set_user_rendering(id, kRenderFxGlowShell, 0, 0, 0, kRenderTransAlpha, 0)
            emit_sound(id, CHAN_STREAM, sound_ghost_stealth, 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM)
            g_cooldown[id] = 1
            i_cooldown_time[id] = floatround(g_stealth_cooldown_standart)
            i_stealth_time_hud[id] = floatround(g_stealth_time[id])
            set_task(1.0, "ShowHUD", id, _, _, "a",i_cooldown_time[id])
            set_task(1.0, "ShowHUDstealthes", id, _, _, "a",i_stealth_time_hud[id])

public ShowHUD(id)
    if(is_valid_ent(id) && is_user_alive(id))
        i_cooldown_time[id] = i_cooldown_time[id] - 1;
        set_hudmessage(200, 100, 0, 0.75, 0.92, 0, 1.0, 1.1, 0.0, 0.0, -1)
        show_hudmessage(id, "Stealth cooldown: %d",i_cooldown_time[id])

public ShowHUDstealthes(id)
    if(is_valid_ent(id) && is_user_alive(id))
        i_stealth_time_hud[id] = i_stealth_time_hud[id] - 1;
        set_hudmessage(200, 100, 0, -1.0, 0.92, 0, 1.0, 1.1, 0.0, 0.0, -1)
        show_hudmessage(id, "Stealth time: %d",i_stealth_time_hud[id])

public ghost_make_visible(id)
    if(is_valid_ent(id) && zp_get_user_zombie(id) && !zp_get_user_nemesis(id) && zp_get_user_zombie_class(id) == g_zclass_ghost)
        set_user_rendering(id, kRenderFxHologram, 0, 0, 0, kRenderTransAlpha, 125)
        emit_sound(id, CHAN_STREAM, sound_ghost_stealth_end, 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM)

public reset_cooldown(id)
    if(is_valid_ent(id) && zp_get_user_zombie(id) && !zp_get_user_nemesis(id) && zp_get_user_zombie_class(id) == g_zclass_ghost)
        g_cooldown[id] = 0
        new text[100]
        format(text,99,"^x04[ZP]^x01 Your ability ^x04Stealth^x01 is ready.")

public zp_user_infected_post(id, infector)
    if ((zp_get_user_zombie_class(id) == g_zclass_ghost) && !zp_get_user_nemesis(id))
        set_user_rendering(id, kRenderFxHologram, 0, 0, 0, kRenderTransAlpha, 125)
        new text[100]
        new note_cooldown = floatround(g_stealth_cooldown_standart)
        new note_stealthtime = floatround(g_stealth_time_standart)
        format(text,99,"^x04[ZP]^x01 Your ability is ^x04Stealth^x01. Cooldown:^x04 %d ^x01seconds. Stealth time: ^x04%d^x01 seconds.",note_cooldown,note_stealthtime)
        i_cooldown_time[id] = floatround(g_stealth_cooldown_standart)
        g_stealth_time[id] = g_stealth_time_standart
        g_cooldown[id] = 0
        g_infections[id] = 0
        client_cmd(id,"bind F1 ability1")
    if((zp_get_user_zombie_class(infector) == g_zclass_ghost) && !zp_get_user_nemesis(infector))
        g_stealth_time[infector] = g_stealth_time[infector] + 1;

public infections_hud(id)
    if(is_valid_ent(id) && zp_get_user_zombie(id) && !zp_get_user_nemesis(id) && zp_get_user_zombie_class(id) == g_zclass_ghost)
        new i_stealth_time = floatround(g_stealth_time[id])
        new text[100]
        format(text,99,"^x04[ZP]^x01 Your stealth time is^x04 %d ^x01seconds.",i_stealth_time)

public zp_user_humanized_post(id)
    set_user_rendering(id, kRenderFxNone, 0, 0, 0, kRenderTransAlpha, 255)

public zp_user_unfrozen(id)
    if(is_valid_ent(id) && is_user_alive(id) && zp_get_user_zombie(id) && !zp_get_user_nemesis(id) && zp_get_user_zombie_class(id) == g_zclass_ghost)
        set_user_rendering(id, kRenderFxHologram, 0, 0, 0, kRenderTransAlpha, 125)

public fw_TakeDamage(victim, inflictor, attacker, Float:damage, damage_type)
    if (!(damage_type & DMG_FALL) || !zp_get_user_zombie(victim) || zp_get_user_zombie_class(victim) != g_zclass_ghost)
        return HAM_IGNORED
    SetHamParamFloat(4, 0.0)
    return HAM_HANDLED

public fw_PlayerPreThink(player)
        return FMRES_IGNORED
    if(zp_get_user_zombie(player) && zp_get_user_zombie_class(player) == g_zclass_ghost)
        set_pev(player, pev_flTimeStepSound, 999)
    return FMRES_IGNORED
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Edited by laucinieks
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