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Iekš addons/amxmod/scripting/war3ft/war3ft.inl ir rindiņas kur var mainīt soundus! Piem.

copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_VENGEANCE]        , 63, "warcraft3/MiniSpiritPissed1.wav"                );    // Warden's Ultimate
    copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_SUICIDE]            , 63, "ambience/particle_suck1.wav"                    );    // Undead's Ultimate
    copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_BANISH]            , 63, "warcraft3/banishcaster.wav"                    );    // Banish
    copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_LOCUSTSWARM]        , 63, "warcraft3/locustswarmloop.wav"                );    // Locust Swarm
    copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_SHADOWSTRIKE]    , 63, "warcraft3/shadowstrikebirth.wav"                );    // Shadow Strike
    copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_CARRION]            , 63, "warcraft3/carrionswarmlaunch1.wav"            );    // Carrion Beetles
    copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_IMPALE]            , 63, "warcraft3/impalehit.wav"                        );    // Impale
    copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_VOODOO]            , 63, "warcraft3/divineshield.wav"                    );    // Big Bad Voodoo
    copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_FLAMESTRIKE]        , 63, "warcraft3/flamestriketargetwavenonloop1.wav"    );    // Flame Strike
    copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_ENTANGLING]        , 63, "warcraft3/entanglingrootstarget1.wav"        );    // Entangling Roots
    copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_LIGHTNING]        , 63, "warcraft3/lightningbolt.wav"                    );    // Chain Lightning
    copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_TELEPORT]        , 63, "warcraft3/massteleporttarget.wav"            );    // Teleport
    copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_BLINK]            , 63, "warcraft3/blinkarrival.wav"                    );    // Blink Teleport
    copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_LEVELUP]            , 63, "warcraft3/levelupcaster.wav"                    );    // Level up
    copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_PICKUPITEM]        , 63, "warcraft3/pickupitem.wav"                    );    // Buy / Pick up item
    copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_TOME]            , 63, "warcraft3/Tomes.wav"                            );    // Tome of Experience
    copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_ULTIMATESCAN]    , 63, "turret/tu_ping.wav"                            );    // Ultimate Beep
    copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_ULTIMATEREADY]    , 63, "warcraft3/resurrecttarget.wav"                );    // Ultimate Beep
    copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_ANNIHILATION]    , 63, "warcraft3/PurgeTarget1.wav"                    );    // Orb of Annihilation
    copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_CONCOCTION_CAST]    , 63, "warcraft3/PossessionMissileLaunch1.wav"        );    // Unstable Concoction Cast
    copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_CONCOCTION_HIT]    , 63, "warcraft3/PossessionMissileHit1.wav"            );    // Unstable Concoction Hit
    copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_HEX]                , 63, "warcraft3/PolymorphDone.wav"                    );    // Hex
    copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_IMMOLATE]        , 63, "warcraft3/ImmolationDecay1.wav"                );    // Immolate
    copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_IMMOLATE_BURNING], 63, "ambience/flameburst1.wav"                    );    // Immolate Burning

    copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_REINCARNATION]    , 63, "warcraft3/soundpack/reincarnation.wav"        );    // Weapon Reincarnation/Ankh
    copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_ANTEND]            , 63, "warcraft3/antend.wav"                        );    // Sound played when you try to shoot a chameleoned teammate 
    copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_ERROR]            , 63, "warcraft3/bonus/Error.wav"                    );    // Sound played on errors 

    copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_DISPELL]            , 63, "warcraft3/DispelMagicTarget.wav"                );    // Dispell an ultimate - played on caster
    copy( g_szSounds[SOUND_SPELLSHIELD]        , 63, "warcraft3/SpellShieldImpact1.wav"            );    // Dispell an ultimate - played on blocker

, bet kad es viņus gribu mainīt uz sev tīkamākām skaņām man nekas nesanāk ;(

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ShadowHunter faila kods :

*    Race: Shadow Hunter Functions

#define SH_HEX_LENGTH              7.0        // Length that hex lasts in seconds
#define SH_HEX_SPEED              0.05        // Speed hexed player will move at
#define SH_HEALING_WAVE_RANGE      1000        // Range to heal teammates


#define SH_CONCOCTION_DAMAGE      15        // Damage done by Unstable Concoction
#define SH_CONCOCTION_RADIUS      350

new g_SH_SerpentGiven[33];
new bool:bWardBombCheck = false;

// ****************************************
// Shadow Hunter's Healing Wave
// ****************************************

// Helper function to start the healing process
public SH_HealingWave( id )
    if ( !task_exists( id + TASK_WAVE ) )
        _SH_HealingWave( id );

// We don't need to ever actually "turn this off" since this task will take care of itself
public _SH_HealingWave( id )
    if ( id >= TASK_WAVE )
        id -= TASK_WAVE;

    // User is no longer connected :/
    if ( !p_data_b[id][PB_ISCONNECTED] )
    static iSkillLevel;
    iSkillLevel = SM_GetSkillLevel( id, SKILL_HEALINGWAVE );

    // User doesn't have this skill, so lets return
    //  - Also return if this was called twice
    if ( iSkillLevel <= 0 )

    // Continue healing...
    if ( is_user_alive( id ) )
        set_task( p_heal[iSkillLevel-1], "_SH_HealingWave", TASK_WAVE + id );
    // Prevent healing if this player is hexed
    if ( p_data_b[id][PB_HEXED] )

    new players[32], numberofplayers, targetid, targetorigin[3], origin[3];
    new iTeam = get_user_team( id );

    get_user_origin( id, origin );
    get_players( players, numberofplayers, "a" );
    // Loop through each player and check to see if one is close enough to be healed
    for ( new i = 0; i < numberofplayers; i++ )
        targetid = players[i];
        // User is on the caster's team
        if ( p_data_b[targetid][PB_ISCONNECTED] && get_user_team( targetid ) == iTeam )
            get_user_origin( targetid, targetorigin );
            // User is close enough
            if ( get_distance(origin, targetorigin) < SH_HEALING_WAVE_RANGE )
                get_user_origin( targetid, origin )
                // User needs health
                if ( get_user_health( targetid ) + 1 <= get_user_maxhealth( targetid ) )
                    set_user_health( targetid, get_user_health( targetid ) + 1 );

                    Create_TE_IMPLOSION( origin, 100, 8, 1 );


// ****************************************
// Shadow Hunter's Hex
// ****************************************

public _SH_RemoveHex( id )
    id -= TASK_HEX;

    if( !p_data_b[id][PB_ISCONNECTED] )
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    p_data_b[id][PB_CAN_RENDER] = true;
    p_data_b[id][PB_HEXED]        = false;
    if ( is_user_alive( id ) )
        // Reset the user's speed
        SHARED_ResetMaxSpeed( id );

        // Reset the user's gravity
        SHARED_SetGravity( id );

        // Reset the user's rendering
        SHARED_INVIS_Set( id );

        // Reset the user's devotion aura
        HU_DevotionAura( id );

        emit_sound( id, CHAN_STATIC, g_szSounds[SOUND_HEX], 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );

    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

// ****************************************
// Shadow Hunter's Serpent Ward
// ****************************************

SH_SerpentWard( id )
    static iSkillLevel;

    iSkillLevel = SM_GetSkillLevel( id, SKILL_SERPENTWARD );

    // User should have some!
    if ( iSkillLevel > 0 )

        // Then we can give the user a serpent ward!
        while ( g_SH_SerpentGiven[id] < p_serpent[iSkillLevel-1] )
            // Increase the available serpent wards

            // Increase the total we have given the user!

            //client_print( id, print_chat, "[DEBUG] Total wards increased to %d (total given so far: %d)", p_data[id][P_SERPENTCOUNT], g_SH_SerpentGiven[id] );
    // User should not have any!
        // Remove all available serpents!
        p_data[id][P_SERPENTCOUNT] = 0;

        // We don't need to remove any of the wards b/c the task knows to check the skill level

public SH_PlaceSerpentWard( id )

    // User is hexed, can't use any skills
    if ( p_data_b[id][PB_HEXED] )
        WC3_StatusText( id, 0, "%L", id, "HEX_NO_ABILITY" );

    // User is alive we can place a ward!
    else if ( is_user_alive( id ) && SM_GetSkillLevel( id, SKILL_SERPENTWARD ) > 0 && p_data[id][P_SERPENTCOUNT] > 0 )

        // Serpent Ward
        if ( SH_CanPlaceWard( id ) )
            new parm[5], origin[3]

            get_user_origin( id, origin );
            parm[0] = origin[0];
            parm[1] = origin[1];
            parm[2] = origin[2];
            parm[3] = id;
            parm[4] = get_user_team( id );

            _SH_DrawSerpentWard( parm );

            WC3_StatusText( id, 0, "%L", id, "SERPENT_WARD", p_data[id][P_SERPENTCOUNT] );
            WC3_StatusText( id, 0, "You cannot place a serpent ward here" );

// Called when the bomb is planted
    bWardBombCheck = true;

    set_task( 1.0, "_SH_ResetBombCheck", 0 );

public _SH_ResetBombCheck()
    bWardBombCheck = false;

public _SH_DrawSerpentWard( parm[5] )

    if ( !WC3_Check() )

    new id = parm[3];

    // User is no longer connected, stop drawing wards
    if( !p_data_b[id][PB_ISCONNECTED] )

    // User is no longer alive, don't draw wards
    if ( !is_user_alive( id ) )

    // User doesn't have this skill anymore! Remove the ward!
    if ( SM_GetSkillLevel( id, SKILL_SERPENTWARD ) <= 0 )

    // Don't allow the ward to be by a hostage or the bom
    if ( bWardBombCheck )
        if ( !SH_CanPlaceWard( id ) )
            client_print( id, print_chat, "%s Serpent ward removed, you can't have them near bombs or hostages!", g_MODclient );


    new origin[3], start[3], end[3], red, blue, green
    // Set up the top of the ward
    start[0] = origin[0]
    start[1] = origin[1]
    start[2] = origin[2] + 600

    // Set up the bottom of the ward
    end[0] = origin[0]
    end[1] = origin[1]
    end[2] = origin[2] - 600

    // Set up colors based on what game/team
    if ( g_MOD == GAME_CSTRIKE || g_MOD == GAME_CZERO )
        if ( parm[4] == TS )
            red        = 255;
            blue    = 0;
            green    = 0;
            red        = 0;
            blue    = 255;
            green    = 0;
    else if ( g_MOD == GAME_DOD )
        if ( parm[4] == AXIS )
            red        = 255;
            blue    = 63;
            green    = 63;
            red        = 76;
            blue    = 102;
            green    = 76;

    // Draw the serpent ward
    Create_TE_BEAMPOINTS( start, end, g_iSprites[SPR_LIGHTNING], 1, 5, 2, 500, 20, red, green, blue, 100, 100 );

    // Now lets check and see if any players are near that need to be damaged
    new players[32], numberofplayers;
    new targetid, targetorigin[3];

    get_players( players, numberofplayers, "a" );
    for ( new i = 0; i < numberofplayers; i++ )
        targetid = players[i];

        if ( parm[4] != get_user_team( targetid ) )
            get_user_origin( targetid, targetorigin );

            if ( get_distance( origin, targetorigin ) < 85 )

                // Damage the user
                WC3_Damage( targetid, id, 10, CSW_SERPENTWARD, -1 );

                // Make the sound when they're attacked
                client_cmd( targetid, "speak ambience/thunder_clap.wav" );

                // Create screen fade on the owners screen
                Create_ScreenFade( id, (1<<10), (1<<10), (1<<12), red, green, blue, 55 );

    set_task( 0.5, "_SH_DrawSerpentWard", TASK_LIGHT + id, parm, 5 );


bool:SH_CanPlaceWard( id )
    new vPlayerOrigin[3];
    get_user_origin( id, vPlayerOrigin );

    // Make sure the user isn't trying to place a ward near a hostage
    if ( SHARED_NearObjective( vPlayerOrigin ) == OBJENT_HOSTAGE )
        return false;

    // Make sure the user isn't trying to place a ward near the bomb
    new Float:vEntOrigin[3];
    new vEntityOrigin[3];
    new iEnt = find_ent_by_model( -1, "grenade", "models/w_c4.mdl" )
    if ( iEnt && is_valid_ent( iEnt ) ) 
        entity_get_vector( iEnt, EV_VEC_origin, vEntOrigin )
        vEntityOrigin[0] = floatround( vEntOrigin[0] );
        vEntityOrigin[1] = floatround( vEntOrigin[1] );
        vEntityOrigin[2] = floatround( vEntOrigin[2] );
        if ( get_distance( vPlayerOrigin, vEntityOrigin ) < 250 )
            return false;
    return true;

// ****************************************
// Shadow Hunter's Big Bad Voodoo
// ****************************************

public SH_Ult_BigBadVoodoo( id )
    if ( !p_data_b[id][PB_ISCONNECTED] )

    p_data_b[id][PB_GODMODE] = true;

    p_data_b[id][PB_CAN_RENDER] = false;

    ULT_ResetCooldown( id, get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_ult_cooldown ) + SH_BIGBADVOODOO_DURATION, false );

    ULT_Icon( id, ICON_FLASH );
    if ( g_MOD == GAME_CSTRIKE || g_MOD == GAME_CZERO )
        Create_BarTime( id, SH_BIGBADVOODOO_DURATION, 0 );
    emit_sound( id, CHAN_STATIC, g_szSounds[SOUND_VOODOO], 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );

    set_user_rendering( id, kRenderFxGlowShell, 255, 245, 50, kRenderNormal, 16 );

    new vOrigin[3];
    get_user_origin( id, vOrigin );
    vOrigin[2] += 75;

    Create_TE_ELIGHT( id, vOrigin, 100, 255, 245, 200, SH_BIGBADVOODOO_DURATION, 0 );

    set_task( float( SH_BIGBADVOODOO_DURATION ), "SH_Ult_Remove", TASK_RESETGOD + id );


public SH_Ult_Remove( id )
    if ( id >= TASK_RESETGOD )
        id -= TASK_RESETGOD;

    if ( !p_data_b[id][PB_ISCONNECTED] )

    p_data_b[id][PB_CAN_RENDER] = true;

    p_data_b[id][PB_GODMODE] = false;

    ULT_Icon( id, ICON_HIDE );

    SHARED_INVIS_Set( id );


SH_SkillsOffensive( iAttacker, iVictim )

    static iSkillLevel;

    // Hex
    iSkillLevel = SM_GetSkillLevel( iAttacker, SKILL_HEX );

    if ( iSkillLevel > 0 )
        if ( random_float( 0.0, 1.0 ) <= p_hex[iSkillLevel-1] )
            // We need to identify the victim as slowed + hexed            
            p_data_b[iVictim][PB_HEXED] = true
            p_data_b[iVictim][PB_SLOWED] = true;
            // Slow the user's speed
            SHARED_SetSpeed( iVictim );

            // Set the user's gravity
            SHARED_SetGravity( iVictim );

            // Set the user's rendering
            SHARED_INVIS_Set( iVictim );

            // Remove user's devotion aura
            new iHealth = get_user_health( iVictim );
            if ( iHealth - g_HU_DevotionAuraGiven[iVictim] < 0 )
                if (is_user_alive(iVictim))
                    set_user_health( iVictim, 1 );
                set_user_health( iVictim, iHealth - g_HU_DevotionAuraGiven[iVictim] );
            g_HU_DevotionAuraGiven[iVictim] = 0;

            // Create the "remove hex" task
            set_task( SH_HEX_LENGTH ,"_SH_RemoveHex", TASK_HEX + iVictim );

            // Play the hex sound
            emit_sound( iVictim, CHAN_STATIC, g_szSounds[SOUND_HEX], 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );

            // Make the user glow!
            SHARED_Glow( iVictim, 150, 150, 150, 0 );

            // Lets create a screen fade
            Create_ScreenFade( iVictim, (1<<10), (1<<10), (1<<12), 255, 255, 255, 75 )

SH_SkillsDefensive( iAttacker, iVictim )
    static iSkillLevel;

    // Unstable Concoction
    iSkillLevel = SM_GetSkillLevel( iVictim, PASS_UNSTABLECONCOCTION );
    if ( iSkillLevel > 0 )
        // Check to see if we should "concoction"
        if ( random_float( 0.0, 1.0 ) <= p_concoction[iSkillLevel] )
            new vOrigin[3], vInitOrigin[3], vAxisOrigin[3], i;
            // Get origin of attacker
            get_user_origin( iAttacker, vOrigin );
            // Play sound on attacker
            emit_sound( iAttacker, CHAN_STATIC, g_szSounds[SOUND_CONCOCTION_CAST], 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );
            // Set up the origins for the effect
            vInitOrigin[0] = vOrigin[0];
            vInitOrigin[1] = vOrigin[1];
            vInitOrigin[2] = vOrigin[2] - 16;

            vAxisOrigin[0] = vOrigin[0];
            vAxisOrigin[1] = vOrigin[1];
            vAxisOrigin[2] = vOrigin[2] + SH_CONCOCTION_RADIUS;
            // Display the effect on the attacker
            for ( i = 0; i < 200; i += 25 )
                Create_TE_BEAMCYLINDER( vOrigin, vInitOrigin, vAxisOrigin, g_iSprites[SPR_SHOCKWAVE], 0, 0, 9, 20, 0, 188, 220, 255, 255, 0 );

                vInitOrigin[2] += 25;

            new team = get_user_team( iVictim );
            new players[32], numberofplayers, vTargetOrigin[3];
            get_players(players, numberofplayers, "a");

            // Loop through all players and see if anyone nearby needs to be damaged
            for( i = 0; i < numberofplayers; i++ )
                // Then we have a target on the other team!!
                if ( get_user_team( players[i] ) != team )
                    get_user_origin( players[i], vTargetOrigin );

                    // Make sure they are close enough
                    if ( get_distance( vOrigin, vTargetOrigin ) <= SH_CONCOCTION_RADIUS )
                        // Damage
                        WC3_Damage( players[i], iVictim, SH_CONCOCTION_DAMAGE, CSW_CONCOCTION, 0 );
                        // Let the victim know he hit someone
                        emit_sound( iVictim, CHAN_STATIC, g_szSounds[SOUND_CONCOCTION_HIT], 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );

        else if ( get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_psychostats ) )


// This function is called to reset the ability of an attacker to attack a user running big bad voodoo
public _SH_ResetBigBadAttacker( id )

    if ( !WC3_Check() )

    if ( id >= TASK_BIGBADATTACKER )

    if ( !p_data_b[id][PB_ISCONNECTED] )

    p_data_b[id][PB_BIGBAD_ATTACKER] = false;

    client_print( id, print_chat, "%s You can no longer damage players with Big Bad Voodoo activated", g_MODclient );

un kas man tur ir jāmaina?

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