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Uzliku XP. Ieinstalēju originālos audio driverus, neaizgāja skaņa. Nokačāju no mātesplates officiālās mājaspalas jaunākos driverus arī skaņas nav. Dīvaini ir tas, ka winampā, spēlēs skaņas nav, bet ieejot(iesēdzot PC) sākuma skaņa ir un arī mapes pārslēdzot skaņa ir kā arī errorus uzmetot.

Kas pa sūdiem???

Un Sound and Audio devices propertion - viss ir tukšs un pelēks. :unsure:

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http://www.mostwanted.lv/forums/index.php?showtopic=2503 nav kaut kas līdzīgs? nu jeb

I found a fix!

I had this problem as well. It happened randomly in the middle of downloading music.

But thanks to some tech help from another site, the fix was pretty easy.

Go to Start --> Run, and type in services.msc.

A window will pop up with a list of services. Scroll down to Windows Audio. Right-click

and click on Properties.

Make sure that "Startup type" is set to automatic. Also, make sure, under "Service

status," start is selected. (Mine was somehow set on stopped. I clicked start and

-- voila! -- it worked.)

Hope this works for you, too.

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