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Paliidziet Luudzu...kkas Liidziigs Pshyostats

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Man ir taada probleema...girbu e107 webam uzlikt pluginu kursh liidziigs psyhostats...viss iet iznjemot pasu galveno. man vajag noraadiit linku uz failu no kura njemt servera rankus,stats utt. probleema ir taa ka serveris neatrodas uz mana datora tpeec tas links buutu jaanoraada lai vinjsh njem failu no vinja datoora. Kaads zin kaa sito stelli izdariit...pie ailiites kur vinjsh man liek to linku ierakstiit ir rakstiits -------->

Leave the link above alone if you plan to upload your mani_rank.txt your self (used if you play offline and want to load your stats online). You must also untick the Stats FTP To Host option above.

Could also be the FTP Path to rankfile, if your Webserver supports fopen throu another Webserver



or you can try this

ftp://server login name:server password@server ip/css/server ip:port number/cstrike/cfg/mani_admin_plugin/data/mani_ranks.txt

To test your ftp put the ftp address into your internet browser address bar and see if it pulls up your mani_ranks.txt file. If you see your mani_rank.txt file then add the ftp to the plugin and if it dosen't display the text file you have something wrong.

Kaads zin?

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