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Kas tu tajā pluginu lapā apskatīties nevarēji? :superlol:

* Step 3: Configure your IRC bot by putting these cvars (Look below this) in your amxx.cfg


REQUIRED CVARS - These must be set (in amxx.cfg or server.cfg)


irc_server "irc_network_address" - The IRC server's address to connect to (For example; "irc.gamesurge.net")

irc_port "port_here" - The irc server's port (normally 6667)

irc_nick "your_bot_nick_here" The nickname the bot will use on IRC (For example; "ServerBot")

irc_username "bot_username_here" - Name that shows when someone /whois or ucentral's you

irc_channel "#your_chan_here" - Channel to join

irc_msg_usecolors (default 1; 0|1) - Makes messges from HLDS in IRC colored based on team. If you're channel restricts colors, set this to 0. If you don't run CS, set this to 0.


OPTIONAL CVARS - You may want to set these


irc_identify (default 0; 0|1) - If you have a nickserv/auth account, set this to "1"

irc_ident (default "") - If you have a nickserv/auth account set this to "authserv auth [account] [password]"

irc_map_change (default 1; 0|1) - Display Server name, ip, map and players connected on map change and server start.

irc_show_joins (default 1; 0|1) - Show a message when someone joins the server

irc_to_hlds_say_auto (default 1; 0|1) - Automatically transfer messages from IRC to HLDS

irc_from_hlds_say_auto (default 1; 0|1) - Automatically transfer messages from HLDS to IRC

irc_to_hlds_say_activator (default "!hlds") - If irc_to_hlds_say_auto is disabled (set to 0) then only messages which contain what this cvar is set to will be sent to HLDS from IRC.

irc_from_hlds_say_activator (default "!irc") - If irc_from_hlds_say_auto is disabled (set to 0) then only messages which contain what this cvar is set to will be sent from HLDS to IRC.

irc_msg_srvjoin (default "$name ($steamid) has joined the server") - Set the message that will be displayed in IRC when a player joins the server. Set to "" to disable.

irc_msg_srvpart (default "$name ($steamid) has left the server") - Set the message that will be displayed in IRC when a player leaves the server. Set to "" to disable.

irc_msg_startup (default "$servername - $ip Current Map: $map $curplayers / $maxplayers players") - Set the message that will be displayed in IRC when the server starts up or changes map. Set to "" to disable.

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