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Par Cfg Taisiishanu


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esmu uztaisijis tiiri labu cFG, bet iisti nezinu, ko vajadzeeu obligaati, lai

speeleshana buuutu eertaaka utt.

Ja kaads zin uzrakstiet kaut ko noderiigu tikai ne (sensitivity , con_color, utt.)

sensitivity tev pasham jaizlemj

con_collor ieteiktu "0 255 0" (spilgti zalja)

croshair_collor - "0 255 0"

hud_fastswitch 1 ( tas jau droshvien ir )

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gl_dither "1"

gl_cull "1"

gl_keeptjunctions "0"

gl_max_size "128"

gl_clear "0"

d_spriteskip "0"

r_dynamic "1"

r_mirroralpha "0"

gl_palette_tex "0"

r_norefresh "0"

gl_round_down "5"

cl_weather "0"

max_shells "0"


gl_wateramp "0"

r_shadows "0"

r_waterwarp 0

fastsprites 1

cl_highmodels 0

cl_shadows 0

gl_picmip 1

gl_playermip 2

joystick 0

r_mmx 1

Labs grafiks un palielināts fps.

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