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asdf123382's Achievements

Nīkulis ar potenciālu

Nīkulis ar potenciālu (3/23)



  1. My pc AMD SP2500+ oc 3000+ 512RAM DDR400 8 3 3 3 V-data 80G HD ST x700 VideoCard Powercolor Driver 5.13 WarCat XG edition NF4-4xMB DFI Driver 6.70 windows SP2 russia crack edtion when my run cs and creat a singl server , buy smoke Enter buy smoke Enter Buy smoke Enter ---- FPS is 30+ or 30- . Oh my god My pc run UT2004 FPS80+ everytime ! Please teach me how too tweak my system . russia is my last wish !
  2. cs sprietes have 5 colours but i want to use my llik colours RGB 60 168 255 where change colour ? please tell me thank you
  3. there are some new path in this station ? can be help me 1.6 is 2717 or 2738 ?
  4. my 1.6 ak $2500 m4 3100................. but they should 3100 3200 and the post should like 640*480 but my is 1024*768 why ? ps please how to count money in the cs 1.6 thank you
  5. // overview description file for de_cpl_mill.bsp global { ZOOM 1.49 ORIGIN 511 1769 -288 ROTATED 1 } layer { IMAGE "overviews/de_cpl_mill.bmp" HEIGHT -288 } i find error it is ROTATED 0 modify 1 it is ok
  6. i sure i realy put overviewfiles in the cstrike\overview my 1.6 is use path v 13
  7. Overview files has been in the cstrike\overview but i can't see it when i watch demo ! why? please help me bad english sorry
  8. steam updata is crazy but I can't downloaded some updata files within steam in our coutry (i come from china ) And I can't downloaded v? on this wed station because I'm not stay in your coutry .................. please give me a link can downloaded v? like V9 thank you .........
  9. why my 1.6 can't play cs to the internet ? steam ? bad english sorry
  10. i want to download GiGn's cs1.6fullpath---v 9 but it turn on microsoft when I push the download button why ? it need registry . isn't it ? please help men thank you for your helps I come from china we are like your country the best wishes to your chairman
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