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Posts posted by JEYRAZZ

  1. Dignitas vs Wizards

    Dignitas pēdējā laikā parādījuši izcilus rezultātus. Es teiktu, ka vienīgā mazākā cerība Wizards ir mapē Mirage.

    Domāju, ka Dignitas uzvarēs. Iesaku vidēju līdz augstu betu.

    Pats betoju uz Dignitas, ja zaudēsim dalīsimies sāpēs.

    Atcerieties, ka šīs ir tikai prognozes!


    CajunB vairāk nav ar Dignitas, respektīvi viņiem būs stand-in.. Tādēļ arī wizardiem ir labāka iespēja paņemt, jo cajunb vienmēr ir bijis dignitas carry, visu izteiks kādas būs mape, stand-in un kā dignitas jutīsies.

  2. Ieročus var apskatīt

    šeit - http://csgostash.com/


    šeit - http://blog.counter-strike.net/



    ★ Huntsman Knife | Safari Mesh (Field-Tested) http://i.imgur.com/HzvwpQF.png

    ★ Huntsman Knife | Safari Mesh (Minimal Wear) http://i.imgur.com/lLxOW2R.png

    ★ Huntsman Knife | Fade (Factory New) http://i.imgur.com/bThNdvk.jpg

    ★ Huntsman Knife | Crimson Web (Field-Tested) http://prntscr.com/3fckmn

  3. Ieroči jaunajā keisā:


    Tā skaitā arī "Rare huntsman Knife", respektīvi jauni knife skini.


    Galerija ar jaunajām uzlīmēm:


    VISI SKINI APSKATĀMI ŠEIT: http://blog.counter-strike.net/index.php/2014/05/9466/


    ugliest knife ever.



    • Added the Huntsman Case.
    • Added the Bank Collection to the drop list.
    • Added Community Sticker Capsule One.


    • The bomb inventory icon in the UI now shows an arrow when you pick it up in a addition to the sound and center screen message.
    • Fixed some relative positioning of elements to the radar to work consistently with hud scaling and resolution.
    • Players now have the option to adjust HUD elements. This includes:
      • Place the Player Count element at the top of the screen or bottom (cl_hud_playercount_pos).
      • Show all avatars in the Player Count element or just the player count number (cl_hud_playercount_showcount).
      • Size the Radar element (cl_hud_radar_scale).
      • Choose a color to display the main parts of the HUD (health, ammo, money, etc) (cl_hud_color).
      • Adjust the HUD background alpha for the colored elements. (cl_hud_background_alpha).
      • Select to show the bomb position under the radar or in the default inventory position (cl_hud_bomb_under_radar).
      • Display the health and ammo with or without bars/bullets (cl_hud_healthammo_style).

      [*]Updated the look of the options menu.

      [*]Removed the pop-up confirmation dialogue in the video options menu with tooltips.

      [*]Added some tooltips to various options menu widgets.

      [*]Dropdown panels now don't go away and reappear when you click on them.

      [*]Drop panels will now hide if you click on the header when they are open.

      [*]The health number in the health panel now supports displaying numbers greater than 100.

      [*]Fixed the health bar not scaling properly with health greater than 100.

      [*]When a player opens a sticker capsule on the game server it will now correctly print in chat the rarity and actual sticker found.


    • UPS, M4A1-S, & CZ75a are now available in Community Arms Race and Demolition games. To use them, add them to your server's gamemodes config file.
    • Increased default downloadable file size from servers to 150MB, added client launch option -maxdownloadfilesizemb N if clients needs to download even larger files from community servers.
    • Added a convar weapon_reticle_knife_show, when enabled will show knife reticle on clients to be used for game modes requiring target id display when holding a knife.


    • Starting the game with a different anti-virus or in different paged pool memory configuration will no longer reset all video settings.
    • Fixed matchframework shutdown order during dedicated server shutdown process.



    • Added bomb teleport trigger, to prevent bomb getting stuck in water


    • Removed one-way dropdown near entrance to bombsite B, making the site easier to defend
    • Reduced volume of environment sounds
    • Removed ramp at back of truck in Bombsite A
    • Updated radar
      • Added cover in T side of canal
      • Made upper park divider wider
      • Improved visibility in park


    • More accurate collision model on blue truck

  4. No matter how you violate the rules (TK, abandon) the bann period is as follows:

    1st infraction: 30min.

    2nd infraction: 2 hours.

    3rd infraction: 24 hours

    4th infraction: 7 days

    Let's suppose you had your 3rd infraction (24 hour bann), and you DONT make another one in 7 day. Afther the 7th day without ANY infractions, they reset. So in the 8th day, if you TK someone, you'll get only 30 min, instead of 7 day bann.

    ^ šis attiecās uz matchmaking, bet vai mēs runājam par mm, vai arī gign serveri?

  5. jeyrazz jau kaut ko mineeja, ka var duupot skinned/nametag ierochus :D

    dūpot nē, vienkārši pieprasot itemus no lounge, sagaida trade offeri, ja ieročiem nav uzlīmes kādas patīk tad vienkārši cancelo trade offeru un atkārto to pašu, tādēļ ka boti ir simtiem, ir arī ļoti daudz tādu pašu itemu ar un bez uzlīmēm.

  6. info par shoxie & kennyS:

    http://www.titan-esports.com/ (scroll down)

    no viņa facebook:

    Today a page turns: I decided to put an end to my collaboration with Titan. The Gaming house involves a lot of obligations affecting my private life so I expressed the wish not to continue in these conditions. I am thankful to Titan for this experience, thanks to Jérôme, Nathan, Kévin, Edouard and Adil for all the great moments we lived together. There is no doubt they will bounce back in the best possible way, I only wish them the best.

    <- tas pats arī viņu mājaslapā.

  7. ahaha, nezinu vai tā var darīt ilgtermiņā - karoče pirms 3 dienām bija spēle - MJ vs Exertus un to posponēja. Biju uz MJ uzlicis blue laminate tīru un vēl kko,, tikko izņemu - noklāts ar vidēji dārgām uzlīmēm. Sīkums, bet patīkami. :)

    easy, tu vienkārši pieprasi savus itemus, tev bots atsūta trade offeri, apskaties vai ieročiem ir stickeri vai nav, ja nav tad vienkārši cancelo offeru.. atkārto to pašu vēlreiz, pieprasi itemus - būs cits bots un dabūsi uzlīmes & nametag ja tev viņas interesē.. to pašu es arī darīju priekš awp asiimov.. lai būtu minimal wear look.

    • Like 1
  8. Vairs pat nevar ņemt no citiem steam spēļu giftus.

    Ietreidoju cs:go ieročus, aktivizēju spēli, spēlēju labu laiku un vakar mana spēle noņemta no steam spēļu listes, jo spēle pirkta caur citu acc or something.

    Nē, tev atņēma spēli jo viņa tika iegādāta "fraudulently" ar zagtu kredīt karti no kāda deepweba, šādi cilvēki darās jau vairākus gadus.. tādēļ ja ir kaut kāds random čalis kuram angļu val 0 (pārsvarā ru) un lēti, vissticamāk būs fraudulently purchased game.

    Spēli tu nevari dabūt atpakaļ, bet mantas ko ietreidoji gan vari. ja tu par šo giftu maksāji ar citiem steam tradable items, gluži vienkārši uzraksti stīm support ticketu ka tev vienkārši pazuda spēle un tu vēlies atgūt tās mantas kuras par spēli samaksāji.. (viņi to geimu nekad neatgriezīs).. apmēram 5reizes esmu šo darījis, pēc viņu policy dabūsi savu shitu back


  9. Jebkurā gadījumā bet's bija tā vērts, es arī domāju ka mouz paņems, un būtu arī paņēmuši ja nebūtu atdevuši 1-2 easy roundus pēc kuriem viņiem bija jātaisa eco, ņemot vērā ka bija 35%, ir vērts riskēt.. you win some, you lose some. arī zaudēju 20 value, gege.

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