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Posts posted by JEYRAZZ

  1. http://csgolounge.com/match?m=2018

    Uzliku 1$ vērtu skinu. Pretī dabūju kopumā ~15$ vērtus. Throw inc, no doubt.

    wow, sito gan sanāca nogulēt, neesmu dross vai būtu licis, bet tāds koefs ļoti sen nav bijis, neesmu īpasi pārsteigts.

    Mana ikdiena līdz sim ir bijusi iet gulēt 8-12 no rīta, un celties 6-9 vakarā, bet man ir sajūta ka pēdējās dienas censoties salabot sleeping shedule palaižu pārāk daudz garām.. ehh..

    tldr; Ja gribi vinnet betus, gulēt nakī nav opcija. :D

  2. Ja sodien nebuutu noguleets liidz 7, tad buutu licis likmi gan uz (reason) vs. mouz, gan arii (planetkey) vs. reason.

    Es domaaaju ka mouz shoreiz uzvarees planetkey, bet liksu uz viniem tikai ja koefs buus zem 55 un tad kad zinaasim mapes. Jaaskataas arii kaa mouz nospeelees pret ATN.

    Titan vakar speeleeja loti slikti, respektiivi Digitas vinjus burtiski izdraaza.. Vinjiem ir petiekoshi labas izredzes panemt arii VP, koefs manupraat ap 45-55.

  3. Pareizi,grafiski labākas mapes var atļauties,bet 128 tick MM "Oi nē,nubiem datori nepavilks".

    Tev ir jāsaprot tas, ka lielākā daļa csgo spēlētāju (jā, es nepārspīlēju), spēlē ar 20-50 fps, lai arī cik nepatīkami tas būtu, ieviesot 128 tick serverus tev būtu liela prieksroka pret viņiem, bet vavle grib "even playing field for everyone", tā kā es domāju tas ir ok.. kā arī ir iemesls kādēļ es nespēlēju MM, bet tikai ESEA, Cevo un Faceit.

  4. train_blog_image.jpg



    • CZ75-Auto adjustments
      • Magazine size has been reduced to 8 and reserve ammo is now 16 (3 mags total).
      • Damage has been reduced slightly.
      • Firing rate has been reduced slightly
      • The CZ75-Auto takes nearly twice as long to draw, and has an updated draw animation.
      • Kill reward is now 1/3.
      • Updated the weapon description.

      [*]Increased price of M4A1-S to $3100

      [*]Reduced price of Desert Eagle to $700

      [*]Updated the Tec-9 firing sound.

      [*]Fixed M4A1-S muzzle flash showing through smoke.

      [*]Fixed not being able to defuse the bomb in some cases where it was planted on a ledge and the player attempting to defuse was standing next to it on the ground (e.g. the fountain in Cobblestone).

      [*]Fixed a case on community servers where a player would get income after the first round when they should not.


    • Team equipment value now correctly accounts for cost of CZ75-Auto and for two flashbangs.
    • "Assists" on teammate kills no longer get counted in scoreboard.
    • Added some new holiday freeze-cam borders and the holiday cheer has been re-enabled - Happy holidays!


    • Gifts have been re-enabled.
    • Released a new set of stickers (available now as offers), and put some music kits on sale.
    • Fixed a few localization errors
    • Fixed a typo in the game mode descriptions.
    • Fixed several exploits in the engine.

    Manuprāt ļoti liels updeits (izmaiņu ziņā..)

    • Like 1
  5. Teiksim tā, ESEA LAN nebija īpasi veiksmīgs, Titan mani pievīle pret iBP (zaudēja pēdējo match punktu pret ECO, un tad zaudēja OT, diezgan smieklīgi, bet whatever).. tad zaudēto atguvu Fnatic vs. VP finālā.. tas gan bija diezgan easy bets, par spīti VP pārsvaram ar vienu BO3. Biju paņēmis pauzi uz pārējām spēlēm, bet sodien izdomāju uzlikt uz (xmg) vs. 3dmax, redzēju mapes pāris minūtes pirms spēles sākuma un izskatījās diezgan easy, viss izgāja kā vajag.



    • Like 4
  6. Kaut ko nesaprotu, pirms brīža iemetu acis tajā 3max vs clutchit... Rāda 0:1 Clutchit labā, beidzās mape, Cluchit vinnē un tagad rāda 1:1, kas par naguj?

    Nezinu ko tu pīpē, bet 3dmax paņēma pirmo mapi, un cluchit otro. - http://www.hltv.org/match/2293684-3dmax-clutchitorg-99damage-arena-2

    Ja skaties laivstrīmu, tad drosvien redzēji viņu manuāli uzrakstīto "0:1", tad kad rakstīja, vieninieks drovien bija 3dmax pusē, bet tad kad nomainījās puses pēc pirmajiem 15 raundiem, tad 1 bija nepareizajā pusē. ;)

  7. Diezgan nožēlojami, kādu laiku KQLY iekļāvu starp TOP spēlētājiem :D

    Tas KQLY frags dd2, kur tēmā ct bāzē, un novāc pretinieku shortā vsp apbrīnojami, kā to vsp neviens nemanīja iepriekš? :D

    TOP čiteri, negribu ticēt ka visi PRO spēlētāji čito :/

    Tu nevari zināt vai tad čītoja, vai nē, tik pat labi viņš čītu pirms gada bija ieslēdzis uz vienu minūti, un uzreiz arī izslēdzis. Nav informācija no Valves par to kad tieši čīts tika injectots, tādēļ celt diskusijas bez reāliem faktiem ir muļķīgi. tādi 1shot dd2 ct jump shot fragi ir bijuši vairāki, nothing special.

    Varbūt beidza čītot kad tika Titānā, varbūt čītoja visu laiku, to mēs nekad nezināsim. Vac bans viņam ir un karjera ir over, end of story, nevajag heitot :)

  8. dreamhack_pickem.jpg




    CSGO has been updated to version

    Release Notes for 11/21/2014

    DREAMHACK 2014

    • Added DreamHack 2014 Team Stickers and Legends Capsule View them here[1]
    • Enabled the DreamHack 2014 Pick'Em Challenge
    • Enabled DreamHack 2014 tab in the Watch Panel


    • Added Mission FAQ to the Operation Vanguard website[2]
    • Mission cooldowns now display hours remaining in the mission panel and journal.
    • Added a display showing how many missions a user can complete in the mission panel and journal.
    • Added help text tooltip for the mission panel.
    • Added Steam rich presence and twitch.tv integration data for Operation Vanguard maps.
    • Fixed de_dust2 Galil mission
    • Fixed bonus deathmatch weapon score calculation for missions.


    • Added three restrictions to Competitive Matchmaking:

    • If a player does not have a competitive Skill Group, they will not be able to queue in a party with a player having a very high Skill Group
    • Accounts are restricted to two Competitive wins per day until they receive their competitive Skill Group
    • Unless they are in a party of 5, players will not be able to queue for Competitive Matchmaking if their skill group range is very large.


    • Fixed a case where the deathmatch bonus weapon panel was showing an uninitialized weapon icon.
    • Made host_framerate convar accessible with sv_cheats enabled ( for movie makers )
    • Spectators and GOTV viewers can now spectate grenades thrown by players. To do this, press and hold the Left Alt key when the player you are observing throws a grenade. Your camera will follow the grenade until you release the Left Alt key or the grenade explodes/expires.
    • Fixed Alerts panel showing incorrect layout for certain bans and cooldowns.


    • Bug fixes on Workout, Season, Facade, Bazaar and Marquis

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