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About Chevy

  • Birthday 01/21/2013

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  1. Tad Tev sanāca to windu iemest iekšā?
  2. http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/softwareCategory?cc=us&dlc=en&lc=en&product=6488233&
  3. Ai... apnika te ķēpāties Varēji ar kādu normālu keksu te sarunāt, lai satiktos un visu Tev parādītu utt. Moš savam čomam varētu teikt, ka esi specs utt., ka sataisīji Kā saka 2 vai vairāk galvas ir gudrākas par 1!!! Domā...Uzjautā kādam Te!!!
  4. piem., man sākumā pie Boot rāda tā.... un tad iekšā pie tā Boot ir šādi... tad izvēlās boot secību, kur ir izvēlē USB. Es darīju tā, ka USB ir pirmais, cietais - otrais... Skaties kāda Tev tur secība iet...
  5. pirmkārt , novilkt to figņu priekš win 7 usb tool te - http://www.microsoftstore.com/store/msusa/html/pbPage.Help_Win7_usbdvd_dwnTool otrkārt , visu pareizi izdarīsi, tad aizies viss
  6. 32 bit vs 64 bit Comparison There are many, many threads on this one simple question: 32 bit or 64 bit Windows? Well, there are a few things to consider when making this choice. The most obvious difference between 32 bit and 64 bit is the amount of RAM the system can use. The limit on 32 bit is 4Gb of RAM, whereas a 64 bit operating system (OS) can use up to 8Tb (128 in 64 bit Vista, and 192Gb in Seven). HOWEVER, this is not the only difference, nor is it the only thing that should be considered. This post will cover the basics of 32 bit computing vs. 64 bit computing in an understandable and simple summary. *If you are looking for a quick comparison, read the Basics and scroll down to the Pros and Cons and Conclusion sections* The Basics -The big difference between 32 bit systems and 64 bit systems is the “Addressable Space”. Each device in the system is assigned an address, which takes some of this space. Because the address space is limited, the more hardware you have, the more space is required to address them. Memory (RAM) will get what is left over, and it is this is what takes usable memory in a 32 bit system from 4Gb of RAM to around 3.25Gb. -Most software today is written and optimized for 32 bit architecture. This means that there will not be a large performance increase by switching. However, for the few pure 64 bit programs out (such as 64 bit Photoshop), there can be a substantial difference. 32 bit OS -A 32 bit OS can only address 4Gb of memory. Some of this is then allocated to hardware devices, usually dropping the available RAM to 3.25Gb or 3.5 Gb. -The addressable space also applies to programs, giving a 2Gb limit of RAM to any one process. This means that 32 bit Photoshop can only ever access up to 2Gbs of RAM. -Drivers are always a concern. Drivers for hardware usually have a 32 bit version, and there is usually not a problem with 32 bit drivers (finding or using). -A 32 bit OS has a lower memory requirement to run. For Windows 7, the minimum RAM needed is 1Gb 64 bit OS -A 64bit OS can address up too 8Tb of RAM (128 in 64 bit Vista, and 192Gb in Seven). -The addressable space for a 64 bit process is 8Tb. However, a 32 bit process still has the 2Gb limit. So 64 bit Photoshop can access up to 8Tb of RAM, while 32 bit Photoshop (running on a 64 bit OS) will still only be able to access up to 2Gb. -64 bit drivers used to be harder to find. However, since Vista 64bit drivers have become almost as common as 32bit drivers. In order for a driver to be WHQL-certified by Microsoft, there must be a 32bit and 64bit version of it, which has really helped in producing drivers. I have been running a 64bit OS since Vista and have yet to find a program that doesn't work or hardware that doesn't have a 64bit driver. -64 bit OS needs more RAM to operate (minimum of 2Gb for Windows), and programs slightly more RAM. This is countered by being able to add WAY more RAM (I have never encountered a problem with 4Gb of RAM on my 64 bit system) -There is no longer 16 bit compatibility P.S - pārinstelēt windu ir ļoti viegli
  7. iedosi man to PC un sataisīšu jopt kur dzīvo?!
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8G3yrsy6dY
  9. Chevy


    Diennakts informācijas tālrunis 67025777
  10. es tūlīt pamēģināšu sev uz pavisam vecā PC arī XP pārinstelēt... paskatīšos, ko tur teiks
  11. Tātad kaut kā tajā ISO failā trūkst Parasti jau piedāvā Skip To failu un turpina install... bet nu... Vajag jau normālu versiju novilkt
  12. būtu īstenībā vieglāg uzmest win xp sp3 un viss (ļoti easy pīzī džapanīzī) win 7 arī ir viegli uzmest virsū... bet nafig to 8..... ar XP daudz esmu čakarējies kopumā, ar 7 bik mazāk kā ar XP, bet ar 8. vispār negribu... mēsls
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ifyem1ZW4OE Ļoti labi vēl darbojas ar šo - http://www.microsoftstore.com/store/msusa/html/pbPage.Help_Win7_usbdvd_dwnTool pamācība tur arī ir
  14. Chevy


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