Yo visiem. Tātad man ir sekojoša problēma ar Xp.inl failu. Kad izdzēšu
// Check for a team kill
if ( get_user_team( iAttacker ) == get_user_team( iVictim ) )
// Remove XP since he killed his teammate
iBonusXP = XP_Give( iAttacker, -1 * iXP );
// This message should be displayed no matter what XP_kill_objectives is, b/c it's a no-no
if ( iBonusXP != 0 )
client_print( iAttacker, print_chat, "%s You have lost %d XP for killing a teammate", g_MODclient, -1 * iBonusXP );
Man met compailerā erroru! Ko man iesākt?