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  • Birthday 06/02/1985

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    CS, football, basketball, frisby

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  1. vispār man benzīnu vajag autiņam
  2. Xex tikai tagad pamanīju, kad kārtīgi visu pārbaudiju ka es HL.exe nevis HLDS.exe uzliku to server shortucut'u
  3. man nav tadas direktorijas.. man ir tikai addons/amxmods/config kur ir shadi tada cfg faili.. bet tie satur cfg tikai par pashu modu
  4. Uztaisīju visu kā pamācība, bet man viņš neizmanto server.cfg failu, bet lieto tikai defaultos norādījumus Rāda server name: Half-Life Gravitācija un viss pārējais nemainās.. Man kaut kas jāmaina amx modos?
  5. I say that my old hard disk was damaged and I put this 800Mb hard disk for same days, because I need Internet and other stuffs from my PC... While I get new HDD i will suck with this 800Mb hard disk. And if someone wont, I can't sell a 50Mb hard disk only for 5Ls.
  6. Sorry girls, but new I have 800MB hard disk on my computer with Pentium 4 procesor... I need wait some days, then I get new 60GB hard disk, and then realy I kill all leaders. Cole - how old are you, do you think that you are greater than I and greater than Latvian children hiphop king - ozolz? Don't worry in this week I will show myself in this slow server. with are full with cheaters. If no one think so, they can get more information from Cole.
  7. macho don't wory about my english, but I have some litle problem with my PC, harddisk have a lot of Bad sectors and my PC don't go like I wont. And maybe after some days I will buy new HDD and kill all losers (cheaters too, I know that in GIGN server they are more tham ten) in that server.
  8. Koshka, you are nothing for me, you can only put me ban, but that all. You are like bull shi"p" in my eyes. I'm the Best!
  9. I think nobody know me, but I'm that, who will kill and drop all leaders from top, because I'm best in 1.5 and I will be best in 1.6 Counter-Strike mode, prepare to die... ...I have my tactic, what is ten time beter than yours, because I plant bombs, rescue hostages, completing missions, and everybody who are still alive in my team will win with me, because I'm best! I know much admins in Salaspils who put me bans because I was the Best in rank, and hope that taht way they get greatest ranks than I.... ...I'm sorry my english su**, but I play extreamly great.
  10. Nezinu gan SVNeta serveris Salaspilii bremzee piemeeram tikai taadeelj, ka mums te parvelk visu tiiklu, kas buushot divreiz aatraaks, taapeec arii pagaidaam viss bremzee, bet tas ka Kjekavas serveris bremzee ir tiesa, jo vinhji jau tur neattiistaas... ...diivaini liekas, tas ka man biezhi bremzee, kad nav speeleetaaju, bet kad ir tad nebremzee!
  11. KEPKE

    Bitit matos

    macho man vienalga veca vai jauna, galvenais ir tas, kas man patiik, nevis, tas kas tipa ir'a baigi modee, un aceries to, ka ne viss jaunais ir tas pats labais vecais...
  12. KEPKE

    Bitit matos

    Uhh... baigi sen neesmu speeleejis shaja serveri, un domaajams tuvakajaa laikaa ar nespeeleeshu, bet gribeetu zinaat, kad buus CS 1.5 (jo 1.6 suxx)? Diemzheel tas serveris uz kura es speeleju BREMZEE, un man reaali nav prieka speeleet, jo fig tur var kaadam traapiit, vien-vard-sakot gribetu pateikties par laipnibu un milestibu, ko izstaro shis forums... _____________________________________________________ <<<http://skull-clan.times.lv>>>
  13. Njaa vecais..... ...tev tie nervi galiigi chupaa , peec taa, ka neiedod admina tiesiibas, tu te aardies un apdirs visus , lai gan pasham besii, ka pashu nodirsh!
  14. fya: es skatos ka tu te visos topikos tik ielien un uzraksti ~1 simbola garu tekstu un ej spamot taalak?
  15. Cole izlasi kaartiigi!!! Tas prieksh prieka , a nevis prieksh tevis iekaustiishanas!
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