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Posts posted by gvaido

  1. kāpēc šodien VP ir tik ļoti lieli underdogi, lab pa NiP var saprast, bet VP? Es saprotu, ka viņi pēdējā spēlēs nav neko parādījuši, bet tie jau nebija nekādi must-win matchi.

    Domāju uzmest samērā lielu bettu uz VP, jo manuprāt, tas ir vairāk 50/50 nu ok 40/60 match nevis 20/80, riskēt uz 1 pret 4 value tomēr baigi labi var atmaksāties.

    EDITS: laikam nepaspēšu mājā tikt pie gaming pc, lai uzliktu bettu. besī ka nevar pieaddot jaunu devicu bez 7 dienu lieguma.

    ja tev ir kaut kas returnos, tad vnk ielogojies caur citu devaisu un mierīgi uzliec :) ja returni tukši, tad gan nekā :(

  2. cobblestone update



    – Major changes to Cobblestone

    -Bombsite A:

    –Made bombsite A courtyard smaller

    –Removed spiral stairs at back of bombsite A

    –Pushed forward side-balcony at bombsite A, making it easier to check corners before jumping down

    –Added a static door to entrance to connector from bombsite A

    –Shortened battlement in long A, making it easier to check

    –Raised wall around bombsite A slightly, to give some cover when out in the open

    –Added additional cover in bombsite A

    –Removed balcony at CT side of long A

    –Added an additional chest-height wall at A ramp

    –Removed large boulders in A site

    -Bombsite B:

    –Made bombsite B courtyard smaller

    –Rerouted T main entrance to bombsite B

    –Made it easier to throw grenades into B site from a safe position as T

    –Added some cover on T platform in bombsite B

    –Moved bombsite B more to the middle of the courtyard

    –Flattened ground at bombsite B

    –Removed back of B area

    –Hut at back of B can now be shot through

    –Added a static door to entrance to bombsite B from connector


    –Removed stairs and overpass route from dropdown room

    –Widened upper dropdown passage

    –Added a ramp to dropdown to make it easier to peek into lower

    –Players can now jump up via flowerbed in connector to get into dropdown room

    –Removed walls in T tunnels

    –Removed CT sniper room

    –Added a static door to CT side of water room

    –Tweaked layout of water room slightly

    –Removed double window room near T spawn

    –Moved T spawns forward a bit

    –Added a direct ladder to T sniper tower

    –Various optimizations

    –Increased player visibility

    –Fixed a bug where very few chickens were spawned

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