gerik Posted May 31, 2007 Report Share Posted May 31, 2007 Nu tad taa tas kas seko aiz svitrinjas ir rakstiits kas jadara! /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AMXMOD[X] // // ::Ultimate sounds:: // // by Hephaistos ( // // edited by Dizzy ( // // // // cvar: // // streak_mode < flags > // // "a" - messages // // "b" - sounds // // // // kniff_mode < flags > // // "a" - messages // // "b" - sounds // // // // hs_mode < flags > // // "a" - messages // // "b" - sounds // // // // lastman_mode < flags > // // "a" - messages // // "b" - hp // // "c" - sounds // /////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include <amxmodx> #define KNIFFMESSAGES 4 - Cik Teksti uz ekrana radisies kad nogalina ar nazi (tipi) #define LEVELS 7 - cik pavisam bus KillSound #define MESSAGESNOHP 4 - cik zinjojumi paradas kad paliek viens T vai CT (neuzrada HP Cik tam vienam 4uvakam ir) #define MESSAGESHP 4 - Tas pats kas vienu stavu augstak tikai parada arii cik tam vienam HP new kills[33] = {0,...}; new deaths[33] = {0,...}; new alone_ann = 0 new levels[7] = {3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 13, 15}; - Tas nozime 7 Kill Sound un pec cik atskan katra skanja new stksounds[7][] = { -tas 7 nozime cik skanjas un kur tas atrodas "misc/multikill", "misc/ultrakill", "misc/monsterkill", "misc/killingspree", "misc/rampage", "misc/holyshit", "misc/godlike"}; new stkmessages[7][] = { - ka vienmer 7 cik skanjas un teksts kas paradas kad novac cilveku "%s: Multi-Kill!", "%s: Ultra-Kill!", "%s: Monster-Kill!", "%s: Killing Spree!", "%s: Rampage!", "%s: Holy Shit!", "%s: Godlike!"}; new kniffmessages[KNIFFMESSAGES][] = { - Tie ir tie 4 Zinjojumi kad novac ar nazi "%s Sliced And Diced %s!", "%s Shanked %s!", "%s Pulled A Knife On %s!", "%s Knived %s!"} new messagesnohp[MESSAGESNOHP][] = { - tie ir tie 4 zinjojumi bezHP "%i terrorist vs %i CT^n%s: Now All Depends On You!", "%i terrorist vs %i CT^n%s: I Hope You Still Have A Healthpack.", "%i terrorist vs %i CT^n%s: All Your Teammates Were Killed. Good Luck!", "%i terrorist vs %i CT^n%s: Now You Are Alone. Have Fun!"} new messageshp[MESSAGESHP][] = { - tie 4 ar HP "%i terrorist vs %i CT^n%s (%i hp): Now All Depend On You!", "%i terrorist vs %i CT^n%s (%i hp): I Hope You Still Have A Healthpack.", "%i terrorist vs %i CT^n%s (%i hp): All Your Teammates Were Killed. Good Luck!", "%i terrorist vs %i CT^n%s (%i hp): Now You Are alone. Have Fun!"} get_streak() { new streak[3] get_cvar_string("streak_mode",streak,2) return read_flags(streak) } public death_event(id) { new streak = get_streak() if ((streak&1) || (streak&2)) { new killer = read_data(1); new victim = read_data(2); kills[killer] += 1; kills[victim] = 0; deaths[killer] = 0; deaths[victim] += 1; for (new i = 0; i < LEVELS; i++) { if (kills[killer] == levels[i]) { announce(killer, i); return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } } } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } announce(killer, level) { new streak = get_streak() if (streak&1) { new name[32]; get_user_name(killer, name, 32); set_hudmessage(0, 100, 200, 0.05, 0.65, 2, 0.02, 6.0, 0.01, 0.1, 2); show_hudmessage(0, stkmessages[level], name); } if (streak&2){ client_cmd(0, "spk %s", stksounds[level]); } } public reset_hud(id) { new streak = get_streak() if (streak&1) { if (kills[id] > levels[0]) { client_print(id, print_chat, "* You are on a killstreak with %d kills.", kills[id]); - shis teksts parada tavu KillStreak katru raundu } else if (deaths[id] > 1) { client_print(id, print_chat, "* Take care, you are on a deathstreak with %d deaths in a row.", deaths[id]); - shis parada tavu DeathStreake katru raundu } } } public client_connect(id) { new streak = get_streak() if ((streak&1) || (streak&2)) { kills[id] = 0; deaths[id] = 0; } } public knife_kill() { new kniffmode[4] get_cvar_string("kniff_mode",kniffmode,4) new kniffmode_bit = read_flags(kniffmode) if (kniffmode_bit & 1) { new killer_id = read_data(1) new victim_id = read_data(2) new killer_name[33], victim_name[33] get_user_name(killer_id,killer_name,33) get_user_name(victim_id,victim_name,33) set_hudmessage(200, 100, 0, -1.0, 0.30, 0, 6.0, 6.0, 0.5, 0.15, 1) show_hudmessage(0,kniffmessages[ random_num(0,KNIFFMESSAGES-1) ],killer_name,victim_name) } if (kniffmode_bit & 2) { client_cmd(0,"spk misc/humiliation") } } public roundend_msg(id) alone_ann = 0 public death_msg(id) { new lmmode[8] get_cvar_string("lastman_mode",lmmode,8) new lmmode_bit = read_flags(lmmode) new players_ct[32], players_t[32], ict, ite, last get_players(players_ct,ict,"ae","CT") get_players(players_t,ite,"ae","TERRORIST") if (ict==1&&ite==1) { new name1[32], name2[32] get_user_name(players_ct[0],name1,32) get_user_name(players_t[0],name2,32) set_hudmessage(200, 100, 0, -1.0, 0.30, 0, 6.0, 6.0, 0.5, 0.15, 1) if (lmmode_bit & 1) { if (lmmode_bit & 2) { show_hudmessage(0,"%s (%i hp) vs. %s (%i hp)",name1,get_user_health(players_ct[0]),name2,get_user_health(players_t[0])) } else { show_hudmessage(0,"%s vs. %s",name1,name2) } if (lmmode_bit & 4) { client_cmd(0,"spk misc/maytheforce") - atskanot skanju Kad paliek 1vs1 } } } else { if (ict==1&&ite>1&&alone_ann==0&&(lmmode_bit & 4)) { last=players_ct[0] client_cmd(last,"spk misc/oneandonly") - atskanot skanu kad piemeram 1vs2 (kad CT paliek 1) } else if (ite==1&&ict>1&&alone_ann==0&&(lmmode_bit & 4)) { last=players_t[0] client_cmd(last,"spk misc/oneandonly") - atskanot kad 1vs vai savdak tikai kad teriks paliek 1 } else { return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } alone_ann = last new name[32] get_user_name(last,name,32) if (lmmode_bit & 1) { set_hudmessage(200, 100, 0, -1.0, 0.30, 0, 6.0, 6.0, 0.5, 0.15, 1) if (lmmode_bit & 2) { show_hudmessage(0,messageshp[ random_num(0,MESSAGESHP-1) ],ite ,ict ,name,get_user_health(last)) } else { show_hudmessage(0,messagesnohp[ random_num(0,MESSAGESNOHP-1) ],ite ,ict ,name ) } } if (lmmode_bit & 4) { client_cmd(last,"spk misc/maytheforce") } } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } public hs() { new hsmode[4] get_cvar_string("hs_mode",hsmode,4) new hsmode_bit = read_flags(hsmode) if (hsmode_bit & 1) { new killer_id = read_data(1) new victim_id = read_data(2) new victim_name[33] get_user_name(victim_id,victim_name,33) set_hudmessage(200, 100, 0, -1.0, 0.30, 0, 3.0, 3.0, 0.15, 0.15, 1) show_hudmessage(killer_id,"::HEADSHOT::^nYou Owned %s !!",victim_name) - Izmaini to Tekst(tas paradas uz katra HS) } if (hsmode_bit & 2) { client_cmd(0,"spk misc/headshot") - atskanot HeadsHot skanju } } public plugin_precache() - kadus failus noka4at { precache_sound("misc/monsterkill.wav") precache_sound("misc/godlike.wav") precache_sound("misc/headshot.wav") precache_sound("misc/humiliation.wav") precache_sound("misc/killingspree.wav") precache_sound("misc/multikill.wav") precache_sound("misc/ultrakill.wav") precache_sound("misc/maytheforce.wav") precache_sound("misc/oneandonly.wav") precache_sound("misc/prepare.wav") precache_sound("misc/rampage.wav") precache_sound("misc/holyshit.wav") return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } public plugin_init() { register_plugin("Ultimate Sound","1.5","Dizzy") register_event("DeathMsg","hs","a","3=1") register_event("DeathMsg","knife_kill","a","4&kni") register_event("ResetHUD", "reset_hud", "b"); register_event("DeathMsg", "death_event", "a") register_event("SendAudio","roundend_msg","a","2=%!MRAD_terwin","2=%!MRAD_ctwin","2=%!MRAD_rounddraw") register_event("TextMsg","roundend_msg","a","2Game_C","2Game_w") register_event("DeathMsg","death_msg","a") register_cvar("lastman_mode","abc") register_cvar("streak_mode","ab") register_cvar("kniff_mode","ab") register_cvar("hs_mode","ab") return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } mani teksti jums ir janodzesh tur vnk izmainit vaig ciparus pielikt pie skanjam u.t.t klaat ja nesi pilniigs idiots tev vaidzetu saprast! 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staly Posted May 31, 2007 Report Share Posted May 31, 2007 laba pamācība! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lazda2 Posted June 1, 2007 Report Share Posted June 1, 2007 lab thanks loti noderees!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gerik Posted June 1, 2007 Author Report Share Posted June 1, 2007 Sutiet man PM zinu daudz ja tavs ieteikums "kadu pamacibu ievietot" bus labs tad es arii zutaisishu! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
inferno * r4zEr Posted June 1, 2007 Report Share Posted June 1, 2007 sitaa loti gara pamaaciiba var atrast tak iisaaku bet ir jaameklee Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gerik Posted June 22, 2007 Author Report Share Posted June 22, 2007 bet sheit visu var saprast lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chester Posted June 22, 2007 Report Share Posted June 22, 2007 Paldies manam draugam noderēs. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gerik Posted June 22, 2007 Author Report Share Posted June 22, 2007 prieks ka kadam noder! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shine Posted June 22, 2007 Report Share Posted June 22, 2007 Quote Sutiet man PM zinu daudz ja tavs ieteikums "kadu pamacibu ievietot" bus labs tad es arii zutaisishu! Tev gan patik lieliities Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gerik Posted June 22, 2007 Author Report Share Posted June 22, 2007 nee es vnk saku lai suuta ko pievienot :-/ bet zinu ka tev baigi patiik spamot! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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