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* XP Functions


#define XP_NEARBY_RADIUS 250

// START FROM CSX.INC - This is a hack b/c we can't include CSX and DODX in the same plugin :/

forward bomb_planting(planter);

forward bomb_planted(planter);

forward bomb_defusing(defuser);

forward bomb_defused(defuser);


// Called when a user begins defusing the bomb

public bomb_defusing( defuser )


if ( !WC3_Check() )




// Make sure that this isn't called more than once per round

if ( !bHasBegunPlantingOrDefusing[defuser] )


new iBonusXP = XP_Give( defuser, DEFUSING_BOMB );

if ( iBonusXP != 0 )


client_print( defuser, print_chat, "%s You have been awarded %d XP for starting to defuse the bomb", g_MODclient, iBonusXP );



bHasBegunPlantingOrDefusing[defuser] = true;


// Called when a user defuses the bomb

public bomb_defused( defuser )


if ( !WC3_Check() )




new iBonusXP = XP_Give( defuser, DEFUSED_BOMB );

if ( iBonusXP != 0 )


client_print( defuser, print_chat, "%s You have been awarded %d XP for defusing the bomb", g_MODclient, iBonusXP );


g_iPlayerRole[defuser] = 0;


// Called when a user begins planting the bomb

public bomb_planting( planter )


if ( !WC3_Check() )




// Make sure that this isn't called more than once per round

if ( !bHasBegunPlantingOrDefusing[planter] )


new iBonusXP = XP_Give( planter, PLANTING_BOMB );

if ( iBonusXP != 0 )


client_print( planter, print_chat, "%s You have been awarded %d XP for starting to plant the bomb", g_MODclient, iBonusXP );



g_iPlayerRole[planter] = PLR_BOMB_PLANTER;

bHasBegunPlantingOrDefusing[planter] = true;


// Called when a user has planted the bomb

public bomb_planted( planter )


if ( !WC3_Check() )




new iBonusXP = XP_Give( planter, PLANT_BOMB );

if ( iBonusXP != 0 )


client_print( planter, print_chat, "%s You have been awarded %d XP for planting the bomb", g_MODclient, iBonusXP );


g_iPlayerRole[planter] = 0;

p_data_b[planter][PB_ISPLANTING] = false;

// Serpent Ward Check



// Called on certain player events

public on_PlayerAction()


if ( !WC3_Check() )




new sArg[64], sAction[64], sName[64];

new iUserId, id;

read_logargv( 0,sArg,64 );

read_logargv( 2,sAction,64 );

parse_loguser( sArg,sName,64,iUserId );

id = find_player( "k", iUserId );

if ( id == 0 )




// If the round is over do not award XP!

if ( g_EndRound )




// Spawned with the bomb

if (equal(sAction,"Spawned_With_The_Bomb"))


g_iPlayerRole[id] = PLR_BOMB_CARRIER;

new iBonusXP = XP_Give( id, SPAWN_BOMB );

if ( iBonusXP != 0 && get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_show_objectives ) )


client_print( id, print_chat, "%s You have been awarded %d XP for spawning with the bomb", g_MODclient, iBonusXP );



// Dropped bomb

else if (equal(sAction,"Dropped_The_Bomb"))


g_iPlayerRole[id] = 0;

new iBonusXP = XP_Give( id, -1 * BOMB_PICKUP );

if ( iBonusXP != 0 && get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_show_objectives ) )


client_print( id, print_chat, "%s You have lost %d XP for dropping the bomb", g_MODclient, -1 * iBonusXP );



// Picked up bomb

else if (equal(sAction,"Got_The_Bomb"))


g_iPlayerRole[id] = PLR_BOMB_CARRIER;

new iBonusXP = XP_Give( id, BOMB_PICKUP );

if ( iBonusXP != 0 && get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_show_objectives ) )


client_print( id, print_chat, "%s You have been awarded %d XP for picking up the bomb", g_MODclient, iBonusXP );



// Hostage touched

else if (equal(sAction,"Touched_A_Hostage"))


g_iPlayerRole[id] = PLR_HOSTAGE_RESCUER;

new iBonusXP = XP_Give( id, TOUCH_HOSTAGE );

if ( iBonusXP != 0 && get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_show_objectives ) )


client_print( id, print_chat, "%s You have been awarded %d XP for starting to rescue a hostage", g_MODclient, iBonusXP );



// Hostage rescued

else if (equal(sAction,"Rescued_A_Hostage"))


new iBonusXP = XP_Give( id, RESCUE_HOSTAGE );

if ( iBonusXP != 0 && get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_show_objectives ) )


client_print( id, print_chat, "%s You have been awarded %d XP for rescuing a hostage", g_MODclient, iBonusXP );



// Hostage killed

else if (equal(sAction,"Killed_A_Hostage"))


new iBonusXP = XP_Give( id, -1 * KILL_HOSTAGE );

if ( iBonusXP != 0 && get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_show_objectives ) )


client_print( id, print_chat, "%s You have lost %d XP for killing a hostage", g_MODclient, -1 * iBonusXP );



// VIP spawn

else if (equal(sAction,"Became_VIP"))


g_iPlayerRole[id] = PLR_VIP;

new iBonusXP = XP_Give( id, SPAWN_VIP );

if ( iBonusXP != 0 && get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_show_objectives ) )


client_print( id, print_chat, "%s You have gained %d XP for spawning as the VIP", g_MODclient, iBonusXP );



// VIP escaped

else if (equal(sAction,"Escaped_As_VIP"))


new iBonusXP = XP_Give( id, ESCAPE_VIP );

if ( iBonusXP != 0 && get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_show_objectives ) )


client_print( id, print_chat, "%s You have gained %d XP for escaping as the VIP", g_MODclient, iBonusXP );




XP_onDeath( iVictim, iAttacker, iWeaponIndex, iHeadshot )


// We don't want to give XP to the world

if ( iAttacker == 0 )




// We don't want to give XP to suiciders

else if ( iAttacker == iVictim )




new iLevel = p_data[iVictim][P_LEVEL]

new iBonusXP, iXP = floatround( XP_GivenByLevel( iLevel ) * fWpnXPMultiplier[iWeaponIndex] );

// Check for a team kill

if ( get_user_team( iAttacker ) == get_user_team( iVictim ) )


// Remove XP since he killed his teammate

iBonusXP = XP_Give( iAttacker, -1 * iXP );

// This message should be displayed no matter what XP_kill_objectives is, b/c it's a no-no

if ( iBonusXP != 0 )


client_print( iAttacker, print_chat, "%s You have lost %d XP for killing a teammate", g_MODclient, -1 * iBonusXP );



// Otherwise the player killed the other team



// Award XP for a kill

iBonusXP = XP_Give( iAttacker, iXP );

if ( iBonusXP != 0 && get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_show_kill_obj ) )


client_print( iAttacker, print_chat, "%s You have been awarded %d XP for killing the enemy", g_MODclient, iBonusXP );


// User had a headshot? Give bonus XP!

if ( iHeadshot )


iBonusXP = XP_Give( iAttacker, KILL_HEADSHOT );

if ( iBonusXP != 0 && get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_show_kill_obj ) )


client_print( iAttacker, print_chat, "%s You have been awarded %d XP for getting a headshot", g_MODclient, iBonusXP );



new iAssistLevel, iAssistXP, iVictimMaxHealth;

new Float:fMultiplier;

// Award XP for other people doing damage to this victim

for ( new i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++ )


// Then this player dealt some damage to this player this round

if ( g_iDamageDealt[iVictim] > 0 && iAttacker != i )


iVictimMaxHealth = get_user_maxhealth( iVictim );

fMultiplier = float( g_iDamageDealt[iVictim] ) / float( iVictimMaxHealth );

iAssistLevel = p_data[P_LEVEL];

iAssistXP = XP_GivenByLevel( iAssistLevel );

// Need a ratio of XP to award to person who dealt damage

iBonusXP = XP_Give( i, ( floatround( float( iAssistXP ) * fMultiplier ) / 2 ) );

if ( iBonusXP != 0 && get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_show_kill_obj ) )


client_print( i, print_chat, "%s You have been awarded %d XP for a kill assist!", g_MODclient, iBonusXP );


// victim may respawn, so reset the counter

g_iDamageDealt[iVictim] = 0;





// User killed a hostage rescuer

if ( g_iPlayerRole[iVictim] == PLR_HOSTAGE_RESCUER )


iBonusXP = XP_Give( iAttacker, KILL_HOSTAGE_SAVER );

if ( iBonusXP != 0 && get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_show_kill_obj ) )


client_print( iAttacker, print_chat, "%s You have been awarded %d XP for killing the hostage rescuer", g_MODclient, iBonusXP );



// User killed the bomb defuser

else if ( g_iPlayerRole[iVictim] == PLR_BOMB_DEFUSER )


iBonusXP = XP_Give( iAttacker, KILL_DEFUSER );

if ( iBonusXP != 0 && get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_show_kill_obj ) )


client_print( iAttacker, print_chat, "%s You have been awarded %d XP for killing the bomb defuser", g_MODclient, iBonusXP );



// User killed the bomb planter

else if ( g_iPlayerRole[iVictim] == PLR_BOMB_PLANTER )


iBonusXP = XP_Give( iAttacker, KILL_PLANTER );

if ( iBonusXP != 0 && get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_show_kill_obj ) )


client_print( iAttacker, print_chat, "%s You have been awarded %d XP for killing the bomb planter", g_MODclient, iBonusXP );



// User killed the bomb carrier

else if ( g_iPlayerRole[iVictim] == PLR_BOMB_CARRIER )


iBonusXP = XP_Give( iAttacker, KILL_BOMB_CARRIER );

if ( iBonusXP != 0 && get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_show_kill_obj ) )


client_print( iAttacker, print_chat, "%s You have been awarded %d XP for killing the bomb carrier", g_MODclient, iBonusXP );



// user killed the VIP

else if ( g_iPlayerRole[iVictim] == PLR_VIP )


iBonusXP = XP_Give( iAttacker, KILL_VIP );

if ( iBonusXP != 0 && get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_show_objectives ) )


client_print( iAttacker, print_chat, "%s You have been awarded %d XP for killing the VIP", g_MODclient, iBonusXP );




else if ( g_MOD == GAME_DOD )



// Player died, so lets reset their data

g_iPlayerRole[iVictim] = 0;



XP_WinRound( iWinner )


new players[32], numberofplayers, i, id;

get_players( players, numberofplayers );

for ( i = 0; i < numberofplayers; i++ )


id = players;

// Is the user on the correct team?

if ( get_user_team( id ) == iWinner )


new iBonusXP = XP_Give( id, WIN_ROUND );

if ( get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_show_objectives ) )


client_print( id, print_chat, "%s %L", g_MODclient, id, "AWARD_FOR_WINNING_ROUND", iBonusXP );





XP_GetByLevel( iLevel )


if ( iLevel < 0 || iLevel > 16 )


return 0;


// Change based on XP multiplier!

new Float:fXPMult = get_pcvar_float( CVAR_wc3_xp_multiplier );

if ( get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_save_xp ) )


return floatround( iXPLevelSaved[iLevel] * fXPMult );


return floatround( iXPLevelShortTerm[iLevel] * fXPMult );


XP_GivenByLevel( iLevel )


if ( iLevel < 0 || iLevel > 16 )


return 0;


if ( get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_save_xp ) )


return iXPGivenSaved[iLevel];


return iXPGivenShortTerm[iLevel];




new iNum = 0;

// Don't ignore bots

if ( get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_ignore_bots ) == 0 )


iNum = get_playersnum();


// Ignore bots, spectators, and HLTV



new players[32];



new iNumCT;

get_players( players, iNum, "ce", "TERRORIST" );

get_players( players, iNumCT, "ce", "CT" );

iNum += iNumCT;


else if ( g_MOD == GAME_DOD )


new iNumAxis;

get_players( players, iNum, "ce", "Allies" );

get_players( players, iNumAxis, "ce", "Axis" );

iNum += iNumAxis;



if ( iNum < get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_min_players ) )


return false;


return true;


// Function will verify if the user's level/information is correct and checks to see if the user has gained a level

XP_Check( id, bShowGained = true )


new iOldLevel = p_data[id][P_LEVEL], i;

// Make sure the user doesn't have negative experience

if ( p_data[id][P_XP] < 0 )


p_data[id][P_XP] = 0;


// Determine what the user's level should be

for ( i = 0; i <= MAX_LEVELS; i++ )


// User has enough XP to advance to the next level

if ( p_data[id][P_XP] >= XP_GetByLevel( i ) )


p_data[id][P_LEVEL] = i;


// On this increment the user doesn't have enough XP to advance to the next level






// User gained a level

if ( p_data[id][P_LEVEL] > iOldLevel && p_data[id][P_RACE] != 0 && bShowGained )


WC3_StatusText( id, TXT_TOP_CENTER, "%L", id, "YOU_GAINED_A_LEVEL" );

// Only play the sound if the user is alived!!

if ( is_user_alive( id ) )


emit_sound( id, CHAN_STATIC, g_szSounds[sOUND_LEVELUP], 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );



// We might need to lower the skills the user has ( can occur if you load XP info from a database and the XP multiplier has changed )

new iSkillsUsed = SM_TotalSkillPointsUsed( id );

new iSkillID, iSkillLevel;

new bool:bSkillRemoved = false;

while ( iSkillsUsed > p_data[id][P_LEVEL] )


// We might need to remove the ult first!

if ( p_data[id][P_LEVEL] < MIN_ULT_LEVEL )


new iUltimateID = SM_GetSkillOfType( id, SKILL_TYPE_ULTIMATE );

// Then we need to remove this!

if ( SM_GetSkillLevel( id, iUltimateID, 0 ) == 1 )


// Remove the ult

SM_SetSkillLevel( id, iUltimateID, 0, 0 );

bSkillRemoved = true;

// Clear ult icon!

ULT_ClearIcons( id );

// Get our current skills used

iSkillsUsed = SM_TotalSkillPointsUsed( id );

// Restart the loop!




iSkillID = SM_GetRandomSkill( id );

iSkillLevel = SM_GetSkillLevel( id, iSkillID, 1 );

// We don't want a passive skill or a skill that is level 0 so keep trying

while ( SM_GetSkillType( iSkillID ) == SKILL_TYPE_PASSIVE || iSkillLevel == 0 )


iSkillID = SM_GetRandomSkill( id );

iSkillLevel = SM_GetSkillLevel( id, iSkillID, 2 );


// OK at this point we have a valid skill, lets remove a level!

SM_SetSkillLevel( id, iSkillID, iSkillLevel - 1, 1 );

bSkillRemoved = true;

// Get our current skills used

iSkillsUsed = SM_TotalSkillPointsUsed( id );


// Need to reset all skill data for the given race if we've removed a skill

if ( bSkillRemoved )


WC3_InitPlayerSkills( id );


// OK lets check the total skills the user has, and maybe show them the selectskills menu

new iTotalSkillsUsed = SM_TotalSkillPointsUsed( id );

if ( iTotalSkillsUsed < p_data[id][P_LEVEL] )


MENU_SelectSkill( id );


WC3_ShowBar( id );




// Configure based on weapon multiplier

// Counter-Strike and Condition Zero weapons



fWpnXPMultiplier[CSW_USP ] = 2.5;

fWpnXPMultiplier[CSW_DEAGLE ] = 2.5;

fWpnXPMultiplier[CSW_GLOCK18 ] = 2.5;

fWpnXPMultiplier[CSW_ELITE ] = 3.5;

fWpnXPMultiplier[CSW_P228 ] = 2.5;

fWpnXPMultiplier[CSW_FIVESEVEN ] = 2.5;

fWpnXPMultiplier[CSW_XM1014 ] = 1.25;

fWpnXPMultiplier[CSW_M3 ] = 1.5;

fWpnXPMultiplier[CSW_MP5NAVY ] = 1.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[CSW_UMP45 ] = 1.25;

fWpnXPMultiplier[CSW_P90 ] = 1.25;

fWpnXPMultiplier[CSW_TMP ] = 1.5;

fWpnXPMultiplier[CSW_MAC10 ] = 1.5;

fWpnXPMultiplier[CSW_GALIL ] = 1.15;

fWpnXPMultiplier[CSW_FAMAS ] = 1.15;

fWpnXPMultiplier[CSW_AWP ] = 1.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[CSW_M4A1 ] = 1.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[CSW_AK47 ] = 1.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[CSW_AUG ] = 1.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[CSW_SG552 ] = 1.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[CSW_G3SG1 ] = 1.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[CSW_SG550 ] = 1.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[CSW_M249 ] = 1.25;

fWpnXPMultiplier[CSW_SCOUT ] = 3.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[CSW_HEGRENADE ] = 1.75;

fWpnXPMultiplier[CSW_KNIFE ] = 6.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[CSW_C4 ] = 2.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[CSW_SMOKEGRENADE ] = 1.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[CSW_FLASHBANG ] = 1.0;


// Day of Defeat weapons

else if ( g_MOD == GAME_DOD )


fWpnXPMultiplier[DODW_AMERKNIFE ] = 6.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[DODW_GERKNIFE ] = 6.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[DODW_BRITKNIFE ] = 6.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[DODW_GARAND_BUTT ] = 6.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[DODW_HANDGRENADE ] = 1.75;

fWpnXPMultiplier[DODW_STICKGRENADE ] = 1.75;

fWpnXPMultiplier[DODW_STICKGRENADE_EX ] = 1.75;

fWpnXPMultiplier[DODW_HANDGRENADE_EX ] = 1.75;

fWpnXPMultiplier[DODW_COLT ] = 1.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[DODW_LUGER ] = 1.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[DODW_GARAND ] = 1.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[DODW_SCOPED_KAR ] = 1.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[DODW_THOMPSON ] = 1.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[DODW_STG44 ] = 1.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[DODW_SPRINGFIELD ] = 1.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[DODW_KAR ] = 1.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[DODW_BAR ] = 1.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[DODW_MP40 ] = 1.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[DODW_MG42 ] = 1.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[DODW_30_CAL ] = 1.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[DODW_SPADE ] = 1.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[DODW_M1_CARBINE ] = 1.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[DODW_MG34 ] = 1.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[DODW_GREASEGUN ] = 1.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[DODW_FG42 ] = 1.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[DODW_K43 ] = 1.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[DODW_ENFIELD ] = 1.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[DODW_STEN ] = 1.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[DODW_BREN ] = 1.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[DODW_WEBLEY ] = 1.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[DODW_BAZOOKA ] = 1.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[DODW_PANZERSCHRECK ] = 1.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[DODW_PIAT ] = 1.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[DODW_SCOPED_FG42 ] = 1.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[DODW_FOLDING_CARBINE ] = 1.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[DODW_KAR_BAYONET ] = 1.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[DODW_SCOPED_ENFIELD ] = 1.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[DODW_MILLS_BOMB ] = 1.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[DODW_ENFIELD_BAYONET ] = 1.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[DODW_MORTAR ] = 1.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[DODW_K43_BUTT ] = 1.0;


fWpnXPMultiplier[CSW_WORLDSPAWN ] = 0.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[CSW_LIGHTNING ] = 1.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[CSW_SUICIDE ] = 1.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[CSW_IMMOLATE ] = 1.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[CSW_LOCUSTS ] = 1.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[CSW_SERPENTWARD ] = 1.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[CSW_SHADOW ] = 1.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[CSW_THORNS ] = 1.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[CSW_CARAPACE ] = 1.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[CSW_CARRION ] = 1.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[CSW_ORB ] = 1.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[CSW_CONCOCTION ] = 1.0;

fWpnXPMultiplier[CSW_BANISH ] = 1.0;


// Reset the user's XP to 0

public XP_Reset(id)


p_data[id][P_LEVEL] = 0;

p_data[id][P_XP] = 0;

SM_ResetSkillLevels( id );

// Save after resetting the user's XP

DB_SaveXP( id, true );

WC3_ShowBar( id );

client_print( id, print_chat, "%s %L", g_MODclient, id, "YOUR_XP_HAS_BEEN_RESET" );

// Reset the skills...


// Undead's Unholy Aura

SHARED_SetGravity( id );

// Set the user's speed

SHARED_SetSpeed( id );



// Function from war3x thanks ryan!!!

public XP_GetAdminFlag()


new szFlags[24];

get_pcvar_string( CVAR_wc3_admin_flag, szFlags, 23 );

return ( read_flags( szFlags ) );


stock XP_Give( id, iBonusXP )


if ( !WC3_Check() || !id )


return 0;


// Make sure we have the minimum amount of players

if ( !XP_MinPlayers() )


return 0;


// Bonus calculated by:

// Bonus XP * (lvl of player/10 + 1.0)

// I.E. if Player is level 10, then it will be Bonus XP * 2.0

if ( iBonusXP != 0 )


new Float:fCurrentLevel = float( p_data[id][P_LEVEL] );

new Float:iLevelMultiplier = ( fCurrentLevel / 16 ) + 1.0;

new iRealBonusXP = floatround(iLevelMultiplier * iBonusXP);

p_data[id][P_XP] += iRealBonusXP;

XP_Check( id );

return iRealBonusXP;


return 0;


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