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Nepamatoti Banots...


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vnk speleju velak izgaju no servera nakamaja diena eju ieksa - ban ... wtf ><

Demo nevaru atrast jo nau nekadas saprasanas par to un tad kad mani nobanoja nebiju serveri.

+-[Access denied]----------------------------------------------

| BAN ID: 50154

| ADMIN: R._

| BANNED NAME: effect


| REASON: wh

| TIME SET: 2010-04-27 21:34:43 (111 days 20 hours 3 minutes ago)

| EXPIRE: Never

| More info: http://www.gign.lv/ban/50154


Disconnect: Kicked by Console : PERMANENTLY BANNED! Reason: wh! More info in console..

Demo jabut kkur seit :Dhttp://pussy.gign.lv/cs.gign.lv/2010-08-15

Edited by ExplosivE
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