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Ie Izrunisana + Skana Spele Fifa 2005


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Man ir divi jautajumi.

1. Kaa no WinXP izvaakt Internet explorer pavisam, lai varetu pec tam svezoku uzlikt.

2. Kas varetu but pa vainu kompii skanai, jo kad uzinstaleju fifa 2005 vai kadu citu no siis spelu gimenes (ari fifa 2004) man nav komentetaji un skana. Bet nhl 2003, 2004 utt ir viss ok. Vot taa.

P.S. lugums pljutiniem te nespamot.

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nu karo4 ir tada lieta, ka IE man ir cakarets, un gribeju vinam uzlikt 6.0 velreiz pa virsu, bet nothing ever happens smile.gif un IE man vajadzigs lai nhl ari norm stradatu, jo vins met ari visadus script error utt. Tiesam nezinu ko darit.

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visai interesanti, ka vinji neveiksmju gadiijumaa iesaka:


For Windows NT 4.0, and other versions of Windows if the above procedures are not successful, reinstall your version of Windows on an empty hard disk. Note that you should reapply any service packs or other patches, updates, or hotfixes after you reinstall Windows.

un veel kas - operaa vinju hp diezgan forshi gljuchii vietaam.. biggrin.gif

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  Rayus said:
1. Kaa no WinXP izvaakt Internet explorer pavisam, lai varetu pec tam svezoku uzlikt.

Start->ControlPanel->Add and Remove Programs-> Add and Remove Windows Components.

Vienigais tur var iznjemt tik daudz, ka vismaz pazud visas ikonas un vinjsh vinju nelietos vairs ka galveno browseri (uzinstale FF vai Opera).

Ja pareizi sapratu tavu problemu .

Bet par to ka uzlabot IT, zinu tikai vien vajag udate uztaisit un viss (vismaz man ta bija).

p.s: nav jau mana darishana ko tu lieto, bet IT sux 4 ever wink.gif

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