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Prison Break


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Kāds nezin kāpēc pusei neiet prison break spēle? Tā izmet gļukainu šitu.

like this -


Crash report


EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION - The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access.

at memory location 0x1a6fa20

009F467A ((module-name not available)): (filename not available): public: virtual int __thiscall TSoundManager::InitializeManager(void)

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Cracku šitai spēlei neatradu, novilktu CLONE-DVD tas kas ir 4gb nevis 1,6 gb. Mēģināju to šitu ar deamon-tūļiem ka tur speciālu versiju vajag, bet šits ir viens un tas pats.

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