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Demo Nerakstās


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Man demo nerakstās , kad rakstu record "nosaukums" un arī serveros , kur ir automatiskais, kad rakstās demo. Bet cstrike mapē nerakstās, uztaisīju SEARCH pa visu pc un ar nekādus demo neatradu! ;/ Un cs pārinstalēt negribās, varbūt kāds varētu palīdzēt?

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Pec ta kad tu uzraksti record console , tev vismaz paradas teksts "recording" ?

P.S. Pec principa visi settingi prieksh CS'a glabajas config.cfg , tu vari to iznemt un parlikt CS. Tad pec tam uzmetisi pa virsu def configam savejo nokonfigureto.

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Jā rāda, bet man ir cits cfg.

// Auto Buy
alias AutoBuy1 "deagle; hegren; primammo; secammo; defuser"
alias AutoBuy2 "m4a1; ak47; vesthelm; primammo; secammo; defuser; hegren; flash; flash; sgren; vest"
alias AutoBuy3 "awp; vesthelm; deagle; primammo; secammo; defuser; hegren; flash; flash; sgren; vest"
alias AutoBuy4 "hegren; defuser; flash; sgren; flash; primammo; secammo"
bind "F1" AutoBuy1
bind "F2" AutoBuy2
bind "F3" AutoBuy3
bind "F4" AutoBuy4

alias +bomb "slot5; +duck; +attack; coverme; say_team Cover me I'm planting the bomb"

alias -bomb "-duck; -attack"

bind "z" "+bomb"

// C4 Located
alias +locatedc4 "say_team >-> C4 Here! Need Backup! <-<;" 
alias -locatedc4 "wait;radio3;menuselect 3;lc4_close;wait;wait;lc4_close;wait;wait;lc4_close;"
alias lc4_close "slot10; slot10; wait; slot10; wait; slot10; slot10"
bind "x" "+locatedc4"

echo " sp1lv3ns CFG LOADED..."

Un config.cfg

// This file is overwritten whenever you change your user settings in the game.
// Add custom configurations to the file "userconfig.cfg".

bind "TAB" "+showscores"
bind "ENTER" "+attack"
bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect"
bind "SPACE" "+jump"
bind "'" "+moveup"
bind "+" "sizeup"
bind "," "buyammo1"
bind "-" "sizedown"
bind "." "buyammo2"
bind "/" "+movedown"
bind "0" "slot10"
bind "1" "slot1"
bind "2" "slot2"
bind "3" "slot3"
bind "4" "slot4"
bind "5" "slot5"
bind "6" "slot6"
bind "7" "slot7"
bind "8" "slot8"
bind "9" "slot9"
bind ";" "+mlook"
bind "=" "sizeup"
bind "[" "invprev"
bind "]" "invnext"
bind "`" "toggleconsole"
bind "a" "+moveleft"
bind "b" "buy"
bind "c" "radio3"
bind "d" "+moveright"
bind "e" "+use"
bind "f" "impulse 100"
bind "g" "drop"
bind "h" "+commandmenu"
bind "i" "showbriefing"
bind "j" "cheer"
bind "k" "+voicerecord"
bind "m" "chooseteam"
bind "n" "nightvision"
bind "o" "buyequip"
bind "q" "lastinv"
bind "r" "+reload"
bind "s" "+back"
bind "t" "impulse 201"
bind "u" "messagemode2"
bind "w" "+forward"
bind "x" "radio2"
bind "y" "messagemode"
bind "z" "radio1"
bind "~" "toggleconsole"
bind "UPARROW" "+forward"
bind "DOWNARROW" "+back"
bind "LEFTARROW" "+left"
bind "RIGHTARROW" "+right"
bind "ALT" "+strafe"
bind "CTRL" "+duck"
bind "SHIFT" "+speed"
bind "F1" "autobuy"
bind "F2" "rebuy"
bind "F5" "snapshot"
bind "F6" "save quick"
bind "F7" "load quick"
bind "F10" "quit prompt"
bind "INS" "+klook"
bind "PGDN" "+lookdown"
bind "PGUP" "+lookup"
bind "END" "centerview"
bind "MWHEELDOWN" "invnext"
bind "MWHEELUP" "invprev"
bind "MOUSE1" "+attack"
bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2"
bind "PAUSE" "pause"
_cl_autowepswitch "1"
_snd_mixahead "0.1"
ati_npatch "1.0"
ati_subdiv "2.0"
bgmvolume "1.000000"
bottomcolor "6"
brightness "1"
cl_allowdownload "1"
cl_allowupload "1"
cl_backspeed "400"
cl_career_difficulty "0"
cl_cmdbackup "2"
cl_cmdrate "30"
cl_corpsestay "600"
cl_dlmax "128"
cl_download_ingame "1"
cl_dynamiccrosshair "1"
cl_forwardspeed "400"
cl_himodels "0"
cl_idealpitchscale "0.8"
cl_lc "1"
cl_logocolor "orange"
cl_logofile "lambda"
cl_lw "1"
cl_minmodels "0"
cl_righthand "1"
cl_shadows "1"
cl_timeout "300"
cl_updaterate "30"
cl_vsmoothing "0.05"
cl_weather "1"
con_color "255 180 30"
console "1"
crosshair "1.000000"
fastsprites "0"
fps_max "72.0"
fps_modem "0"
gamma "3"
gl_dither "1"
gl_flipmatrix "0"
gl_monolights "0"
gl_overbright "0"
gl_polyoffset "0.1"
hisound "1.000000"
hpk_maxsize "4"
hud_capturemouse "1"
hud_centerid "0"
hud_draw "1"
hud_fastswitch "0"
hud_saytext_internal "1"
hud_takesshots "0"
joystick "0.000000"
lookspring "0.000000"
lookstrafe "0.000000"
m_filter "0.000000"
m_forward "1"
m_pitch "0.022"
m_side "0.8"
m_yaw "0.022"
model "gordon"
MP3FadeTime "2.0"
MP3Volume "0.800000"
mp_decals "300"
name "Player"
net_graph "0"
net_graphpos "1"
net_scale "5"
r_bmodelhighfrac "5.0"
r_detailtextures "0"
s_a3d "0.000000"
s_automax_distance "30.0"
s_automin_distance "2.0"
s_bloat "2.0"
s_distance "60"
s_doppler "0.0"
s_eax "0.000000"
s_leafnum "0"
s_max_distance "1000.0"
s_min_distance "8.0"
s_numpolys "200"
s_polykeep "1000000000"
s_polysize "10000000"
s_refdelay "4"
s_refgain "0.4"
s_rolloff "1.0"
s_verbwet "0.25"
sensitivity "3.000000"
skin ""
spec_autodirector_internal "1"
spec_drawcone_internal "1"
spec_drawnames_internal "1"
spec_drawstatus_internal "1"
spec_mode_internal "1"
spec_pip "0"
suitvolume "0.250000"
sv_aim "0"
sv_voiceenable "1"
team ""
topcolor "30"
tutor_enable "1"
viewsize "120.000000"
voice_enable "1"
voice_forcemicrecord "1"
voice_modenable "1.000000"
voice_scale "0.750000"
volume "0.800000"
exec userconfig.cfg

EDIT: autoexec ir ielikts exec manacfgnosaukums.cfg

Edited by sp1lv3ns
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Nu jā, itkā man ir uzlikts ka lai iemestu kautko mapē, vajadzīga administratora atļauja, tad nospiežu tur Continue :D Un blakus tam vardam tads VAIRODZIŅŠ. Kā to lietu noņemt vispār? Varbūt tad arī parādīsies DEMO.

EDIT: rekur screen.


Edited by sp1lv3ns
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