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Tf2 Jokes


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Steam forumā ir garš topiks par šito, izvilkšu labākos tf2 jociņus.

How can you tell that the Pyro would make a good girlfriend?

Whenever you right click she blows.

I like my women like I like my intel, carried home by seven different men.

Whats the difference between Jarate and Valve's unlock system?

The jar.

What did the Scout say when he got his new, wooden bat for the new season of TF2 baseball?

It looks stunning.

What do you call a smelly Engineer?

A scentry

What's the difference between the scout and the Heavy?

Their weapons and their weight and their abilities and other stuff as well.

Does the Demoman have a degree in explosives?

No, he bombed the course.

Your mom is so fat, it takes 2 spys to disguise as her.

A Demoman walked into a bar. He has yet to come out.

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Valve drives up to my door step, theres a bunch of Dead Ringers in the back seat of the car. I look over and say

"Did you see a sign outside my inventory that said Dead Ringer Storage? Do you know WHY you didn't see it? BECAUSE STORING DEAD RINGERS AIN'T MY FUCKING BUSINESS THAT'S WHY!"

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A Engie, a soldier and a Medic walk into a bar. They notice some fine looking ladies and walk on over. Soon the Engie and Solier both have a partner. The Soldier looks over to the Medic and asks him why he doesnt get one. The Medic replies: "I was hoping for an assist"

vispār neizlasīju visas 20 lapas. pie 13ās jau tie joki sāka sakot tik drausmīgi, ka apnika.

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What's the difference between the scout and the Heavy?

Their weapons and their weight and their abilities and other stuff as well.

Does the Demoman have a degree in explosives?

No, he bombed the course.

Your mom is so fat, it takes 2 spys to disguise as her.

A Demoman walked into a bar. He has yet to come out.

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A Engie, a soldier and a Medic walk into a bar. They notice some fine looking ladies and walk on over. Soon the Engie and Solier both have a partner. The Soldier looks over to the Medic and asks him why he doesnt get one. The Medic replies: "I was hoping for an assist"


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tas jau nebija semjuels, kas to teica, bet Tarantīno.

bļa, tā filma bija tik megakruta, vajadzēs vēlreiz nokačāt.

smieklīgi jau, ka to ringeru var savākt savā backpackā un tev sanāk tāds kā dead ringer storage.

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bļa, tā filma bija tik megakruta, vajadzēs vēlreiz nokačāt.

smieklīgi jau, ka to ringeru var savākt savā backpackā un tev sanāk tāds kā dead ringer storage.

nope, Jimmy

ā lol. pārlasijos. likās, ka domāji travolta. jap jap - tarantīno ir.

Edited by rusty
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