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Servera Monitors


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kaa var uzlikt servera monitru uz php nuked? Lieta taada, kad vinju uztaisa es nezinu kaa vinju ielikt.

Vieniigais kur vinju var ielikt tas ir augsha vai lejaa, ja ieliec pa vidu vai kur, tad raada "syntax error on line *linija* " es parasti vinju lieku index.php. Esmu megjinajis visadus kodus "php include, tad ar tiem height <xxx> kkas liidzigs> bet kaa vinju var ielikt taa kaa paneli kreisajaa/labaajaa malaa?

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Parādi, to kodu ar ko gribi moni sapārot, kā arī pašu monitora kodu!

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SHITAIS ir tas ko es lieku index.php

un shitais ir servera moniisha kods

<!-- Server Monitor (The main monitor) | START ------------------------------->

<!-- NOTE:

This first segment of code is only for the server monitor itself.

If you want to include the server usage graphs, then scroll down to

the marked code.


<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"




<!-- Server Rank Image | START ------------------------------->

</TD><TD align="center" valign="top">

<!-- NOTE:

Use the image URL's below. You can arrange them anywhere on your site.

Most users like to present these along side their main server monitor.


<A HREF="http://www.serverspy.net/site/serverranks/"><img src="http://www.serverspy.net/bin/srank.mpl?a=" width="120" height="100" border="0"></A><br>

<!-- Server Rank Image | END ------------------------------->

<!-- Server Usage Stats (The Four Graphs) | START ------------------------------->

<!-- NOTE:

Use these image URL's below. You can arrange them anywhere on your site.

Most users like to present these along side their main server monitor.


<br>I'm sorry, only <A HREF="http://www.serverspy.net/site/subscribe/">Exclusive Subscribers</A> have access to the Usage Stats.

<!-- Server Usage Stats | END -->


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Un kādu kļūdu uzrāda?

Pagiadām, no tā ko esi uzrādijis problēma varētu būt php tagos!

piemēram, tev ir index.php ar šādu saturu:



echo "blaah blaah";


Un tu vnk brutāli to savu inclūdi bāz iekšā kur pagadās, respektīvi:






echo "blaah blaah";


A vajag šitā:





"blaah blaah";


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