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Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Unknown MySQL server host 'mysql_localhost' (11001) in C:\AppServ\www\bans\admintop.php on line 27

Could not connect: Unknown MySQL server host 'mysql_localhost' (11001)


<style type="text/css">


#admintop {

font-size: 15px;

color: #B22222;


#admintop td{

border: dotted;

border-width: 1 0 0 0;

padding-right: 20px;


#admintop th{

text-align: left;




echo "<table id='admintop'>





$con = mysql_connect("localhost","root","*******");

if (!$con)


die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());


mysql_select_db("amxbans", $con);

$result = mysql_query("SELECT count(*), admin_nick FROM amx_bans GROUP BY admin_nick ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 10"); // DESC LIMIT

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))


$admins = $row['admin_nick'];

$skaits = $row['count(*)'];

echo "<tr>








īsti nesaprotu kāpēc nevar connect pie localhost

Edited by 0.7lb
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tev jau errorā viss ir pateikt!

bet tā es tev priekšā patekšu

samaini mysql_localhost -> uz localhost un mysql_root -> root

edited: eh pasteidzies ātrāk :D

edited2: davaj visi kam vajag labaako adminu topu zog sourci

Edited by wap1337
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