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Ieskats Engineeru Unlockos


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Update: Valve's Robin Walker confirmed with us that they are indeed working on the Engineer's unlockable weapons. However, he states that they may very well change before their final release.

Original: A Maximum PC article brings us the first possible details for the unlockables being worked on for the Engineer class in Team Fortress 2.

We noticed in last night's game that Valve is also tinkering with upgrades for the Engineering class. While it's not concrete that these additions will go into the game's next Medic-friendly update, Valve is nevertheless looking at adding upgrade options for the Engineer's teleporter and dispenser. The former, when upgraded to Level 3, would reduce teleport recharge times from ten seconds to three. And a fully upgraded dispenser would heal all around it just slightly slower than a Medic--akin to Shadowrun's Tree of Life.

I'm not too sure about that dispenser bit that they have, as that is essentially what it does already. We'll have more on this as we receive the information!

VOT TO ES SAPROTU. Es ļoti atbalstu to teleporta variantu, jo komandā NEVAJADZĒTU būt dahuja inženieriem, bet gan diviem ar PAREIZI novietotiem sentrijiem, kurus sedz komanda. Un ja inženieri normāli piesedz (sit nost spiegus, spridzina gaisā ūberčārdžotos tā ka sentrijs viņus aizsviež nah) tad komanda ir teju NEUZVARAMA :)

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vot, valve malači, sāk strādāt sākumā ar support klasēm kā mediku un inžinieri, lai vairāk cilvēki viņus spēlētu :thumbsup:

kā arī gan jau būs kā medikam 3 unlocki, es pieņemu, ka pirmais unlocks varētu būt teleporta laika mazinājums, 2. varētu būt dispensera range palielinājums (kā bij tur rakstīts) un trešais varētu būt kaut kas sakarā ar sentriju, varbūt vairāk dzīvības vai stiprāks firepowers.

super, prieks, ka Valve ir kompānija, kura savas spēles pilnveido un papildina bez maksas.

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