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Nepieciešami uzradusies vajadzība saskatīt failus kas atrodas npteiktaa mapiitee, bet mapei uzlikts .htaccess vai kkas taads un rada ->


You don't have permission to access /*****/imgs/ on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

Apache/1.3.41 Server at www.clantemplates.com Port 80

Tad nu luudzu pasakiet ka var saredzeet to, kas tur iekshaa, vismaz nosaukumus tikai, Un vaivispaar tas ir iespeejams? :ermm:

Edited by RaaapuLis
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Nu nenolistos viņš visu foldera saturu, ja tam folderim ir uzliktas noteiktas premisijas, aizmirsti!

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