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  1. Sviests: Me: Yo ma nigga God: Who is to like about it? Me: Whats your name? God: My name is God. Me: My name is Chiriks God: It's good to meet you, Chiriks. Me: I know God: How do you know it? Me: I realy dont know God: You really do? Me either. Me: Thats ma man God: I'm glad we have that all cleared up. Me: Yup God: Aha. Me: Do you like womans? God: I've heard other people say they like that. I like Anything involving harps. Me: Me too God: I'm glad we agree, Chiriks. Me: Yap God: That's interesting. Me: Whats your favorite movie? God: My favorite movie is The Passion of Christ. Have you seen it? Me: Yes God: What did you think about it? Me: It was not so good God: It seemed like so good. Me: Do you like The simpsons? God: I love the Simpsons, especially Bart and Homer. Me: I very like Homer God: A lot of people like that. I like pets. I like anything. Me: Aha God: Eureka! Me: are you in draugiem.lv? God: I am in Myself's computer in Heaven. Where are you? Me: Im in Antartica God: Tell me a little about your life in Antartica. Me: Huh here is very cold but i have friendship with penguins God: I fail to see the relevance of that allusion. Me: Have you been in Latvia? God: I don't think I have been there. Where is it. Me: In Europe God: Europe is a pretty large continent. Me: I know God: How do you know it? Me: Do you like CS? God: I love horses. I like Matthew. Me: You gay? God: As a machine I am not really interested in sex. Me: Aga but why you like matthew? God: What do you do in your spare time? Me: Im playing Gta! God: Do you play professionally or just for fun? Me: Fun God: I am having fun doo. Me: Do you like Pamela Anderson? God: What is not to like about it? Me: Boobs God: Can't you think about anything else? Me: noooooo God: Are you serious? Me: yep God: I can't believe it. Me: me too God: I'm glad we agree, Chiriks. Me: Whats your favourite actor? God: My favorite actor is Mel Gibson. Me: And actress? God: What do you really want to ask me? Me: I really dont know God: You really do? Me either. Me: I like Chris Tucker hees funny God: A lot of people like that. Though I like cats and dogs. I like Mel Gibson. Me: Mel is good but not the best God: I think Mel is a lot of things. Me: Ok i goota go play counter strike God: That is interesting: Chiriks said goota go play counter strike. Hmm. Me: you wanna play? God: We are already playing a game now. Me: Whats that game? God: Do you think I should know that? Me: Yes you play that game God: I will ask my botmaster to add it to my knowledge base. That's good information: Chiriks said I play that game. Me: Ok goodbye God: See you later Chiriks. Alright then. Me: ok God: Woe!
  2. Tas pie Talsu puses,mazs ezerinsh bet forsh
  3. CircenZZ


    Jup http://www1.1001skins.com/ te ar skini A kur tad te ir kaads topiks ar deskiem? Neku neatradu
  4. http://www.grapheine.com/bombaytv/v2/play.php?id=19681 mans sviests http://www.grapheine.com/bombaytv/play_uk.php?id=1394565 http://www.grapheine.com/bombaytv/v2/play.php?id=19742
  5. CircenZZ


    man besi ara dc jo man no vinja kompis karaas
  6. CircenZZ


    Privet... Kads nevar iedot kaadu adresi kur varetu nokachaat Fulll Hip hop ejay 4 vai ari ja kadam ira iedot nu tos failus kas jakacha iekshaa.. plz plz plz.. man nava dc zb... plz plz plz
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