Grand Opening : Friday 13th of February 2014 20:00 GMT +2
Server rates
Xp 1000x.
Sp 1000x.
Adena 1000x.
Drop 1x.
PartyXp 2x.
PartySp 2x.
Starting character level - 80.
Enchant rates
Enchant Safe: +4.
Enchant Max: +16 for armor / jewels / weapon.
Crystal Max : +16.
Simple enchant scrolls chance - 60%.
Blessed enchant scrolls chance - 100% to +14.
Crystal enchant scrolls chance - 40% from +14 to +16.
Agument Rates
High Life Stone Chance: 7%( You can buy it with Farm Coin ).
Top Life Stone Chance: 15% .
Can use just 1 Active or 1 Passive.
Basic things
Olympiad Town - Aden Main town - Giran.
No Custom Items.
Full working skills.
Working Clan Hall and Castle siege.
Balanced classes.
Subclass without quest.
Auto Learn Skills.
Max Subclasses:.
Full Working Wedings.
Geodata, fully working.
Global Chat: Off.
Max subclasses - Main +4.
Free and no quest class change.
Free and no quest sub class.
No weight limit.
No grade limit.
Interlude retail skills.
Teleport Protect 20.
Server up-time [24/7] [99]%.
Custom Bosses
Weapon Bossx2 .
Drops: 5 Crystal Weapon Scroll's .
Spawn: Every 2 hours
Armor Bossx2
Drops: 5 Crystal Armor Scroll's.
Spawn: Every 2 hours
Both Boss
Drops: 6 Crystal Weapon Scroll's & 6 Crystal Armor Scroll's.
Spawn: Every 3 hours.
*Olympiad game*
Retail olympiad game.
Competition period [1] week.
Olympiad start time [18:00] end [00:00]